Chapter 9- The Reunion

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You guys answered my question! Yay! There are too many people and I can’t just pick one to dedicate this chapter to so I’m just going to list everyone who answered right here:






Thank you for answering my question guys!

Onwards to the story!

Emerald’s POV

“No it’s fine, I could handle it.” I said, yawning. She looked at me worriedly for a second before flashing me a smile. “Okay be careful, and remember to be here in two hours. My daughter is visiting me and I would like you to meet her.” Jane smiled brightly.

I nodded and waved good bye before opening the door. It was a bright sunny morning, perfect for a walk.

Jane was stressing that there was no breakfast and she still has to prepare food for her daughter’s arrival. I on the other hand just woke up from my sleep and offered her my assistance. She said she was fine and I should rest because I still have a fever but I reassured her that I was fine and ready to do something. She hesitated for a minute but finally agreed. Now I’m on my way to buy food from the supermarket (Have no idea what you guys call it, sorry)

As I was walking, I coughed, sneezed and almost fell over a couple of times, but other than that? I’m fine.

I tried my best to stay warm but I can’t so when I final spotted the place, I immediately sprinted to it and almost banged on the glass door if I didn’t skid to a stop. I opened it with shivering hands, it wasn’t really a cold morning but I was sick so my hands felt numb and I feel like I want to puke any second now.

I gripped the money that Jane gave me tightly before making my way to the bread isle. I picked the first loaf of bread I saw, not wanting to waste any time at all. I then went to where you could find the milk and reached for the last bottle when someone grabbed it. I looked at the culprit, trying not to yell but didn’t when I saw a woman smiling at me.

“Emerald dear?!” She cried in happiness. I looked at her puzzled. My eyes widened when I thought about those people with cameras. “You’re not a pap are you?” I asked, scared of her answer. I was ready to drop the bread and make a run for it when she laughed.

“Of course not. Oh how I missed you so much dear.” She smiled through the tears. Yes tears, she was crying but she didn’t even wipe her tears away. “Sorry but do I know you?” I asked, a little confused about what’s going on.

“Of course you know me! I’m your mother!” She said. I stared at her dumbfounded. No she can’t be my mother.

Grandma and grandpa said my mom was a blonde with the prettiest green eyes. She was also small like me. The woman in front of me is a brunette with ocean blue eyes. She’s towering over me like a statue too.

“I’m sorry but I think you made a mistake.” I said while backing away. She shook her head and took a step forward towards me and I immediately took another step away from her.

“Darling it’s me, your mom.” She whispered, cupping my face. I saw nothing in her eyes but tears but there is this sense inside me that maybe I should give her a chance to explain. She did say she is my mother.

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