Chapter 18- Going Home To Unsolved Mysteries

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You guys…completed…..the last chapter’s target…in….under…… 24 hours……What?!

Well you guys are awesome and I am true to my word so here you go!

The long awaited chapter

Emerald’s POV

“Hey princess…”

I know all too well what that phrase meant and who said it. That Irish accent was unmistakable; no human on earth could even imitate it because it was too unique.

“Niall?” My small fragile voice said as I opened my eyes slowly.

They were all here. All staring at me with wide and teary eyes. I sat up immediately, not wasting any more time and hugged each and every one of them. The reunion was sweet like a bucket full of candy.

‘We thought we lost you.’

‘I’m so glad you’re awake.’

They whispered things along those lines to my small ear. As I pulled away from my last hug from which was Liam’s. I groaned and held my head with my right hand. “What’s happening?” Harry panicked. “I’m not supposed to move at all.” I laughed. They gave me a sorry look before they made me lie down again, much to my protest.

My laughter died down when I noticed that one is missing. “Where’s Danielle?” I asked.


Liam’s POV

“Where’s Danielle?” I’ve mentally prepared myself for this question and yet I still managed to tear up. Emerald looked at me confusingly before turning to the others who had blank expressions on their faces.

“Where is she Liam?” She asked in her small voice. “She’s….” I stared at Emerald for a long time before giving her a small meaningful smile. “She’s at work.” I lied. It was pathetic I know but I can’t bear see Emerald’s face when she knows the horrible truth I chose to not tell her.

I tried to stir the conversation away when I asked Emerald how she recognized us. She stared at me weirdly before answering.

“How couldn’t I?” She said in her weirdened out tone. We would always hear this tone from her when we did something incredibly stupid and weird. She was like our mini mother I suppose.

“Because last time we all saw each other, you didn’t want to hug us.” Zayn explained. Emerald stared at him with wide horrific eyes. “I did?” She felt up her forehead.

“And you were even mad at me Ems.” Louis chuckled sadly. Emerald shook her head no. “I could never be mad at you Louis.” She sighed. “Everything you all are saying sounds so made up.” She huffed cutely.

I’ve noticed a lot of changes with Emerald. Her hair grew longer and her hair colour seems to darken but it was still shiny. She grew taller I think because her feet was almost touching the railings of her bed. She was a lot tanner too. But as much as I hated to say this I have to, she looks very skinny. It makes me wonder what kind of treatment they do to her.

But if there were changes, there was still a lot more things about her that stayed the same. Like how her eyes are still the perfect shade of Emerald green and how everyone lights up when she smiles. Even if we had an exhausting day at work, she’s always there to brighten up our moods. Her laugh was still cute and giggly. Last and certainly not the least, she is still perfect and gorgeous to our eyes. Well to my eyes she still is.

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