Chapter 12- Wheelchairs

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Louis’ POV

“So how is she?” Liam asked nervously from beside me. We’re back in the hospital, tired like we didn’t get any sleep yesterday which was true. I didn’t sleep a wink because of the thoughts that were roaming around my brain.

The girls weren’t with us; as much as they wanted to come they can’t because of their work. We’re in Emerald’s doctor’s office, waiting for his answer on how Ems is doing. Everyone is anxious for the answer; the atmosphere was thick and tense.

“I’m sorry.” The doctor sighed. “What do you mean?” My voice cracked as I spoke. He shook his head and folded both his hands together.

“Ms. Tomlinson is in a coma.” He spoke so quietly I almost didn’t hear. “You’re lying.” I heard Niall mumble before he stood up and ran. The doctor looked at all of us sadly and sympathetically. “I’ll go after him.” I sighed, standing up. Liam gave me a nod before turning his attention on the doctor again, who was beginning on explaining on how Ems slipped to a coma.

I quietly slipped through the door and put my hoodie up. I stuffed my hands on the pockets of my hoodie and began my search for the younger lad.

I’ve noticed that after Natalie’s unsuspected visit, Niall was a bit off. Well we were all off but he was sadder than he was before Natalie came. Could it be something that Natalie told him? Natalie already caused enough damage and I don’t want her to cause any more.

“Excuse me?” A small voice said from behind me. I turned around and found a little girl who looked like she was about five. I smiled but it disappeared quickly when I saw that she was in a wheel chair.

Poor child didn’t deserve this.

“Hey babe.” I grinned as I crouched down on her level. “Are you Louis from One dyewection?” She had trouble saying ‘direction’ which I find very cute. I nodded and her eyes literally lit up in front of me.

I noticed the little pen and paper that she was holding on like her life depended on it. “Do you want me to sign that?” I asked her, pointing at the paper. She nodded and handed me the paper.

“What’s your name?” I asked. She blushed slightly and fiddled with her fingers. “Emma.” She whispered her name.

“That’s a very beautiful name.” I chuckled lightly before scribbling something down that I know she would love on to the paper.

Stay beautiful and always be yourself Emma! I love you and so do the rest of the boys!

-Louis xx

I handed the paper back to her and gave her a little kiss on the cheek. I started to stand up when her fragile little hands stopped me. She leaned forward and gave me a tight hug. It took me a second to register what was happening before I got myself to wrap both my arms around her little body.

I closed my eyes and for some reason…

I could imagine Emma as Ems.

Both their little figures engulfed by my huge body. It’s kinda like I’m protecting them. But as soon as Emma’s arms unwrapped from my body, my thoughts were back to normal.

“Oh and I saw Niall. I want to have autograph but he was running.” She then pointed to the right side of the hallway. I smiled gratefully before bidding the little girl goodbye. Her wrong grammar making her even cuter.

I walked and walked until I was about to give up and tell the other boys that I can’t find Niall when I heard sobbing from the janitor’s closet. (A/N cliché but I’m tired okay?!)

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