Please Read :(

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Hey guys, I'm sorry that this is not an update but I have just received bad news. 

Someone told me in Adoption that someone has copied my book and I am completely shattered because of this. 

I've worked very hard Adoption and Where I Belong, even arguing with my parents because of the time I spent making these chapters. 

Copying someone's hard work is not a very bright thing to do. You will eventually be found and your account would be removed. As you can fucking see, there is a copyright at the bottom of the blurb. If you happen to not see that. 

I literally cried when I heard that someone has copied my books.

Why can't you just make your own story? Why do you have to steal from me?! I've worked so hard on it. Just please, if you are reading this and you are the one who copied my book, please just delete it while you still have the chance.

And please, if you want to help or you are just naturally kind, will you please help me search for this book and report the user name to me immediately?

I don't know why people would want to copy work. Like why can't you just make up your own? I know it's very hard to make up a good plot and to actually write the whole thing, but won't you feel proud if your OWN work was praised and not other's work you have just copied? How would you feel if someone else copied something that is very dear to you?

You would be broken, shattered, angry, sad, feel useless, irrelevant and a lot more of heart breakening things. 

The first time I wrote the story, I didn't think that anyone would copy it. I've always supported and try helping other authors who had their work stolen from theirs too. But when you're the one stolen from, it's a whole lot different feeling. It feels like well...someone just stabbed you. 

I'm sorry guys for this but please help me. 

I love you all very much xxx

Where I Belong (Sequel to Adoption)Where stories live. Discover now