Chapter 7- Going To A House

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Emerald’s POV

I watched as Zayn closed the door before disappearing to the sea of girls all screaming at him. “Won’t he be hurt?” I asked, caring for him. He might be a stranger to me but that doesn’t mean I won’t care if he goes to the hospital.

“Don’t worry, he’s already hurt.” The blue eyed one angrily said before he stormed out of the police station too. I looked at the way he took, shocked of his outburst.

It’s not my fault I have amnesia, It’s not my fault I can’t trust people easily, It’s not my fault I’m like this…broken and vulnerable. They should understand that!

I looked at the three boys left, waiting for them to say something. “What?! Aren’t you guys going to say something to me?! Maybe I’m a useless girl who just brings trouble everywhere she goes?!” My eyes were watery, I was fuming and tired and I just want to give up.

You know that feeling when you just want to drop everything in life and just die? Just straight up die. I wish there was a way to do that…

Wait there is. Cutting and suicide.

I’m a weak girl but I’m not stupid. I won’t ever go to that option, ever. (Read my Author’s Note if you ever cut)

“No we won’t do that.” The blonde one said. I rolled my eyes and stood up slowly. I looked at Jane who was nice enough to sit through everything. She was just patiently looking at me, waiting for me.

I wobbled over to her side and sat down next to her. “Are you okay now?” She whispered. “Not really.” I mumbled. “Do you want to go with me? You could stay with me if you’re not really comfortable with those boys yet.” She said. I looked at her with full of astonishment and happiness.

“If that’s not a problem with you.” I said. “Don’t worry, I don’t have anyone with me, it tends to get lonely sometimes. My daughter is out of town and won’t be back for a few days.” She sighed. “Wait what?” I heard one of them say. I looked at them, rolling my eyes. “Problem?” I snapped.

“Uh yes, you’re supposed to go with us.” Curly one said. “Well considering I barely know you guys and two of you are mad at me, I don’t think I should go with you.” I said.

“Zayn and Louis are just cooling off! And you don’t know her either.” Blondie angrily said. I scoffed and stood up. “She’s been a better company to me than you all would ever be.” I helped Jane up and look at the officers for any complaints.

“Well Ms. Emerald, we really need to know if Jane over here could take care of you.” An officer near us said. Jane smiled simply. “Of course I could take care of the dear, don’t worry.” She said as sweetly as possible. I bet no one would say no, well except for the three boys who are looking at us in shock and terror.

“Well can we go now?” I tiredly said. It’s been a really long morning and I just want to lie in bed and just sleep. I’m really grateful of Jane to do this. Some people might say that I trust her too fast but I feel comfortable with her. It’s my life not theirs.

“Bu-“ I cut him off with the deadliest glare I have. It worked and he shut up. One of their body guards came over and took them to the car. They were protesting but the guards eventually did put them back to the car.

“Finally.” I murmured. “Shall we go Emerald?” Jane asked. “Yes please!” I said gleefully. We said goodbye to the officers, one took us out and offered a ride. Jane accepted and we got in the car. Jane told him the address and we drove in peace.

The peace was making me sleepy so I shut my eyes and smiled.


Niall’s POV (Sorry for the language!)

“IT’S ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT LOUIS!” I screamed as I got home. I pinned him to the wall, the lads trying to break me off him but I didn’t budge.

“What?! That Emerald doesn’t want to be with us?! Face it Niall! She doesn’t want us anymore!” He yelled back to my face. “Don’t you fucking say that.” I growled angrily. Louis managed to pry me off him and tackled me to the ground.

I threw in a punch and that’s when the boys broke us apart. Louis managed to throw in a blow on my cheek. Liam and Harry holding me off while Zayn held Louis. The three girls ran down the stairs and stared at us disapprovingly.

“What the fuck is happening to you two?!” Eleanor yelled at us angrily. “You two are fucking best friends!” She snapped at us angrily.

“Fighting doesn’t make anything better.” Danielle pitched in. The girls have heard of the news and are devastated about the news.

I looked at Louis angrily.

The bastard who blew are chance. He had to snap at Emerald eh? He had to explode at her! Wow, just wow. He might be one of my best mates but I want to punch his fucking face off.

“Niall stop it.” Liam whispered harshly. I shrugged their grip off, and with one last glare, I marched up my room and slammed the door shut.

Author’s Note

Hey guys! I hope I didn’t offend anyone when I said I wouldn’t go to cutting when I’m depressed :( I know a lot of people go to cutting when they’re depressed.

All I want to say is all of you are beautiful and perfect in each way. Don’t ever hurt your skin. I have never cutted so I don’t know what it feels like. But based on what I read in books, on what I see on movies, they do it because they want to take the emotional pain away and replace it with physical pain.

Now it is your life so I won’t tell you to stop but I do want you to try to stop. Don’t be shy to message me if you have problems. Any problems at all! Whether it is family problems, love problems etc.

My books are the outcome of my emotions. Whenever I’m sad, I write. Happy? I write. Feeling angry? I write.

Maybe this is similar to people who cuts. It just makes me feel better when I type my emotions away the same way the blade crosses with their skin. So we’re not really that different.

I love you all so much, I WILL be sad when I lose one of you lovely people xxx

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Stay pretty my pretties unless you’re a dude! Then stay handsome!




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