Chapter 5- Meeting Them

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Louis’ POV

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I’ve been trying to get some shut eye for the past few hours but I just can’t.

I know what I saw

I know what everyone saw

Emerald is here and alive

I almost burst in tears when I saw her; she looked the same except for the cast thing. I wonder how she got that. I swear if an asshole tried hurting her, I will personally beat the shit out of him. Anyway, she still looked like the Emerald we all grown to love. Still the same brown slightly curly hair, still the same twinkling greenish blue eyes and I hope she’s still the same cheery girl we love dearly.

Niall took it the hardest; it took us a full half an hour to calm him down. He was trashing around and demanding on finding her immediately. But everyone was tired so it was agreed that we do it the first thing in the morning. We also told the girls who bursts in tears when they heard the news.

Eleanor is sleeping beside me so I got up slowly. I kissed her forehead before going outside my room.

I tip toed quietly to the living room, the sun rising beautifully. I sat down on the couch and turned the TV on. I flipped from station to station, trying to find a good station.

“Hey Louis, is anything on?” I turned around and saw Liam stretching. “Still looking, are the others awake?” I asked him. “Yeah, I checked all the rooms. They just didn’t want to come down.” Liam said, taking a seat next to me.

I nodded and switched the station to the next station. It was the news, I was about to switch the station but Liam snatched the remote. “Aye!” I said. “Shut up and look.” He said. I looked at the screen and gasped. It was Emerald being surrounded by reporters. She really looked scared to be honest. A lady grabbed her hand and led her to a room. The reporters tried everything to get them to open up but they didn’t.

“Did she just get mobbed?” Liam whispered. I nodded slowly and watched carefully. The reporter was basically explaining everything that is happening when he got cut off by three policemen who shoved them out of the place. Then it was back to the studio. Sometimes I hate paparazzi, sometimes I don’t.

“Hey Louis, Liam.” I heard Harry mumble from behind me. “Morning.” I sighed. “Niall is on his way down, he’s just freshening up.” Harry said. “How is he?” I asked him. “Better than he was a few hours ago but I can’t say that he’s back to the cheery Niall.” He yawned. He took a seat on my right and looked at the TV. “Why the hell are you watching the news?” He chuckled. I was about to answer when we heard footsteps from behind us.

I whipped around and saw both Niall and Zayn up. “Morning lads.” I said in my cheery tone. They both grumbled something in response. “So can we go and search for princess now?” Niall softly whispered. I looked at him sympathetically before looking at Liam for approval.

“We can.” Liam shrugged. The house telephone rang beside Zayn. He picked it up and put it on loud speaker. “Hello?” Zayn said. “Mr. Malik, this is the head of the FBI, we got a call from a police department saying that they found Ms. Tomlinson.” The man on the other line said.

Just by the sound of her name, we all looked much lively. I looked at Zayn who was in shock. Niall grabbed the telephone from Zayn and began speaking. “Hello this is Niall Horan. Where is the police department?” He said seriously but you could see the hint of excitement on his voice.

The man gave us the address and said goodbye before Niall hanged up. “Well what are we waiting for?! Come on!” Niall said. “Don’t we need to change Niall?” Harry rolled his eyes. “No time for that.” Niall grumbled. “Well what about the girls?” I asked. “They could sleep in.” Niall shrugged, it was obvious he can’t wait to see Ems again.

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