Chapter 23- The Truth

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I love your comments on the last chapter! :D And yes, the target was 100, I knew you guys could do it! Sorry this chapter took long, I just didn’t know what to do…(writers block)

Emerald’s POV

I woke up with a big headache and a blocked nose. Everything came back to me the second I tried to compose myself. I sat up feeling very dizzy from all the crying I did. I looked at the clock and groaned as I saw that it was 11 at night.

My stomach rumbled loudly so I got up and took a few quiet steps before stopping. What if he’s just outside my door waiting for me to come out?

But why would he?

But there was still a small part of me, wishing that he was outside waiting for me to open up the door so he could beg for my forgiveness. The forgiveness I still don’t know if I should give.

I know if I told a total stranger about my situation, they would automatically say that I should forgive Niall immediately, because it was only a slap right?


It was more than that.

I’ve decided to just ignore him if I ever see him outside this late. I opened my door and walked to the kitchen like nothing is happening. Like I wasn’t scared. Like it was just a normal late night snack. I managed to get down to the kitchen without waking up anyone or even making a small noise.

I opened the fridge and grabbed the carton of milk inside it. I carefully opened the squeaky cabinet where I found glasses. I finally poured myself a glass of milk and downed that in one go.

I put the glass on the sink the same time I heard a peculiar sound. It was like a scratching noise from outside the window on my left.

There was something with human nature that when you hear an unusual noise, you check it out and look for the source even though you don’t want to.

And so that’s what I did.

I lifted up the curtains only the slightest bit when someone called out my name making me drop the material.

A sleepy Liam was looking at me relieved but as well as confused at the same time.

I looked at him innocently, hands behind my back. “Sorry if I woke you up.” I apologized. He didn’t say anything but sat on a stool. He looked at the stool in front of him then back at me as if signaling for me to sit there.

“No you didn’t wake me up.” He sighed once I was sat comfortably in front of him. “Then why did you wake up?” I asked. It’s like this wave hit him all at once making him look up at me with those sad and longing eyes and I swear to God that I saw an image of Danielle through his eyes.

And just like that, I cracked him.

I don’t know if it’s because we’re both tired and heartbroken but he just did it. He spilled everything to me and I was there listening to every word he was saying. I’ve never once seen Liam act like this and it was like a new experience for me that I yet should learn what to do. I don’t know what to do so I sat there and waited for him to finish.

But I was also hurt because they chose to keep this big secret from me. All this time, I didn’t know what happened to Danielle but then again, even they’re clueless about where she is now.

“Then why don’t we phone to police?” I suggested once he was finish. He shook his head and stood up. “Too much drama and the media would be buzzing about this.” Liam said, helping me get down from the stool. Even though I was already thirteen, I’m still small for my age so I didn’t quiet reach the ground when I sat on the stools yet.

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