Chapter 24- The Action Begins...Now

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Emerald’s POV

“Remember don’t do anything drastic with your arm for a week or you’ll end up having the cast again.” The doctor warned me seriously. I nodded and got off the bed where I was sitting patiently. Zayn was with me while the others went to the cafeteria to get food.

“So would she need any medication?” He asked the doctor once I was standing next to him, admiring my right arm. I never thought I could miss a limb of mine so much. Now I could finally write normally.

“No she won’t need any medication for now. But because of her past accident, her head might hurt sometimes and that is completely normal but I would advise her to take this. He handed Zayn what looks like a bottle full of white pills inside.

“You okay with that Emerald?” He asked me, shaking the bottle slightly. “Yeah, I’ll just tell you when my head hurts.” I told him. I didn’t expect my head to hurt at all because it never did when I woke up from my coma and it is still not hurting.

“Okay then, thank you so much for that…” Zayn kept on having a conversation with the doctor while I zoned out, looking around the small room. It was a normal clinic and I would say it would fit five people the maximum.

A tug on my arm made me look up at Zayn who was gesturing for us to leave. I said thank you once to the doctor before leaving the small room. “You hungry?” He asked, swinging our hands back and forth. I nodded and walked faster to the cafeteria making Zayn walk faster with me.

We reached the cafeteria and hurriedly searched for the others. We found them on the farthest table in the corner with variety of snacks.

“Oh yay! You don’t have the cast anymore!” Louis cheered. I grinned and sat next to Perrie who offered me a cupcake. I took it delightfully and bite on it while half listening to their ongoing conversation and half looking around the place.

There were not much people here but a lady with two children and a girl with a coat and sunglasses on. I looked at her for a minute, confused of why she was wearing something like that when it was barely cold here and it’s not bright inside.

And that was when she smirked at me.

I think it was me because she waved and chuckled before getting out of the cafeteria.

I couldn’t even finish my cupcake anymore because of all the thoughts that was roaming around my confused mind.

Like who was she and why did she wave at me? Why did she smirk at me?

But then it dawned at me.

My eyes widened as I quickly scrambled up. I was about to run towards the exit of the cafeteria when a hand caught me.

“Where are you going?” Harry asked. I looked between him and the doors before answering quickly. “Um, bathroom.” I quickly shook his hand off and sprinted towards the doors.

I could be either chasing after a creepy woman who have nothing to do with my life.

Or the woman who kept on giving us those creepy letters and who possibly has Danielle. That was my theory though. It’s impossible for Danielle to leave us and I have connected everything together and now I think the creepy letters and Danielle’s disappearance are connected.

I threw open the door and looked left and right for any traces of the woman. I caught a glimpse of her, turning left from my right side so I ran.

I caught up with her and grabbed her arm. I can’t see her face because she was facing away from me while chuckling to herself.

“You were always a silly child Emerald.”

Then black.



I squinted my eyes as the only door here opened. “I brought you some company bitch.” She laughed, throwing a limp body to me.

I gasped as I registered the body. Her pale face looks so innocent and she was in a fetal position. I stood up but fell down again, cursing the shackles on my right foot.

“E-emerald?” I whispered. I touched her right cheek softly. Tears sprung to my eyes as she groaned and slowly opened her eyes.

“Danielle?!” She flung herself to me but I winced as she hit my bruised ribs. I could feel her tears wet my already dirty shirt.

“Danielle! I’ve missed you so much.” She cried, hugging me even tighter. “I’ve missed you too babe.” I whispered. She pulled back, studying my face and arms.

“Who did this to you?” Her voice cracked.

“I don’t know.” I sighed.

Author’s Note


I have some important news to tell you all.

This book is coming to an end :’(

BUT DO NOT WORRY MY CHILDREN! I will be making a third book IF YOU GUYS WANT ME TO. If you don’t want me to then it’s fine.

I will need help with the plot though. I am running out of ideas! Any idea would be great (eg ummmmm a spy agency took over the boy’s management and blah blah blah)

So right after the last chapter is posted (Which is about like 5-10 chapters more?), can you all please private message me and send me some ideas? The person’s idea who I think is best (But I think everyone’s ideas would be great!) will get a dedication, a follow and maybe a shout out if they have a book. :)

90 comments and 90 votes for the next chapter?

Stay pretty my pretties! Unless you’re a dude! Then stay handsome!




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