Chapter 10- Cute Dogs Causing Trouble

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Emerald’s POV

“N-natalie?” Niall’s voice was like a child’s who just saw a monster come out of his closet. “Niall.” Natalie smirked and crossed both her arms under her chest. She looked at me and her facial expression changed to unreadable. “Emerald.” She said monotone.

I gulped and gave her a little wave. Something about her made me want to shrivel up and disappear. It’s still a mystery why but I would soon find out hopefully.

It was awkward and silent for a few minutes, people looking at each other unsure of what to do. I was just staring at the soup that was in Liam’s hand, wishing that I could at least eat it.

My gaze went to the four boys who were whispering and had worried looks. Niall looked like he have just seen a ghost and is comforted by Zayn who also had that look of panic as well. Somehow, I find it amusing that I’m the only one in this room that is a child and doesn’t know what is going on. I don’t know how I find it amusing; maybe it’s just the sickness.

“So Emerald…” Liam cleared his throat, taking away the awkwardness a bit. “Do you remember Alex?” He asked. “Who’s Alex?” I asked. I heard someone scoff from behind, assuming its Natalie because I’m sure Jane couldn’t do that to me.

“Alex is your dog Emerald.” Zayn chuckled. My eyes brightened up and a smile appeared on my face. “I have a dog?” I slightly squealed. I’ve always wanted a dog but I can’t afford one.

“Yeah, he’s back home.” Harry chirped. “He’s a bit lonely though and he’s a lot less active than before.” He added in. “Can I see him?” I asked. A burst of energy suddenly came to me. “But you’re still sick.” A puzzled looking Louis said. I rolled my eyes and stood up, trying not to fall down when my vision became fuzzy from the sudden movement. “See I’m fine.” I persuaded them.

“No you’re not; you look like you’re going to puke.” I was surprised from the human voice on my left. I completely forgot that my ‘parents’ are still here. “I swear I’m fine.” I argued.

“Well whatever you want.” Niall shrugged, standing up. I turned to look at Natalie and Jane. Jane was smiling at me while Natalie wore the poker face. “Thank you so much for everything Jane.” I said sincerely. “No problem dear, you are always welcome here by the way.”

“I might go back by the way.” I said. “You will?” Liam said, a bit of hurt is present on his voice. “Well yeah, I still have no idea where I’m even going to permanently stay.” I gave my ‘parents’ and the boys each a look.

“Wait what about us? Aren’t you going to let us keep her?” My ‘father’ said. I opened my mouth to speak but I was rudely cut off by Louis. “Sorry but you don’t deserve her.” He snapped at them. I shut my mouth quickly and gave him a questioning look but he was still glaring at my ‘parents’.

“Thank you for taking care of Emerald Jane.” Liam said before picking me up. I squealed in surprise before gripping on him like a Koala. As we passed Natalie, she gave me a small smile. I smiled back and waved goodbye. Niall, who was behind us, gave her a glare in return.

My life must have been the most interesting thing ever based on what I am seeing now. But when does Natalie fit in this whole big mess? I mean, she is just Jane’s daughter right?


I fell asleep in the car ride but was woken up by talking. I’m aware that I was lying on someone’s lap and my feet were sitting on someone else’s lap. They were talking in hush tones but I could still hear them perfectly clear.

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