Chapter 25- The Problem

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I uploaded this early because the original chapter got deleted


Niall’s POV

“Yeah?” I groaned sleepily. I sat up immediately, rubbing my eyes. “Slow down Liam.” I said through the phone.

“Emerald is fucking missing Niall.” He hissed. My grip on the phone tightened. “That fucking shit said she won’t do anything to her.” My eyes were set on a cold hard glare on the floor board; my hand was gripping my phone so tightly it could break any second now.

“What did you say Niall?” Liam’s voice turned to anger to confusion in less than a minute. I sighed, standing up. “I’ll explain everything once everyone got back.” I then hanged up just like that.

I opened up my drawers were I kept those retched letters the little shit kept on sending me. I re-read them, each time I finished one my glare would become harder.

I’ve grown to call the person who kept on sending us letters, little shit because he or she is a piece of useless shit.

That little shit promised that he or she would not hurt a hair out of Emerald but guess what? He or she fucking kidnapped my princess! I don’t care if it’s a girl, I will beat the shit out of her.

But all my anger eventually flowed away and was replaced with sorrow. I sat down glumly, grabbing my phone to scroll to my millions of photos with Emerald.

We were so happy and so carefree. Who would have thought that our lives would lead into this big mystery? The fans haven’t even got a clue what is happening to our messed up lives. I guess that’s a good thing. I don’t want them to pity us or anything like that.

Besides from Emerald, they’re my princesses too. My sassy, kind, funny and beautiful princesses.

I wiped the tears away, chuckling to myself for being stupid. If I knew they would kidnap Emerald, I shouldn’t have….hurt her. I should have spent today, protecting her, being with her all the time.

She’s just thirteen for fucks sake. Why can’t the world give her a break? Why can’t she just live a normal life? But as long as she’s with us, she can’t.

We live this abnormal life with screaming teenagers every day. She doesn’t deserve this. She deserves a quiet and normal childhood where she could walk to places without getting recognized. I know she yearns for that kind of life. All of us do.

I knew adopting a child would be hard but I didn’t know it’s going to be this hard. I also knew that I would be easily attached to her so why didn’t I stopped management from telling us to adopt a child?

Emerald was a publicity stunt at first. The original plan was that we are going to give her up to an adoption center after we got more public cheers. But love happened. She became our source of joy and happiness and we simply couldn’t give her up. She has grown to us and it seems like whatever they do, they can’t rip us from her. We’re that attached.

And this is why it hurts to know that I hurt her and I can’t even apologize because she’s not here.

“Niall!” Voices shouted for my name from downstairs. I sighed, wiping away the tears. I was about to throw the letters on the drawer for safe keeping when I realized I have to tell them what happened with evidence.

I hurriedly ran downstairs, panting when I got down.

“Explain.” Louis said sternly. I blinked twice before showing them the letters.

“I’ve been receiving letters from this creepy fucker and you could see in one of the letters that I didn’t mean to hurt Emerald, I was told to and if I don’t, she’ll get hurt even more possibly kill her.” I explained the rest of the letters and when I got them. They were all listening in on me, looking between each other with sadness from time to time.

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