Chapter 27- Where I Belong

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Thanks for the favor daydreamers >;) Here is the chapter I promised you all! Check author’s note please. It’s important.

Oh and while I was creating this chapter, Let her go by passenger was on replay, I think it really helped me and it does set the mood, go listen to it for the whole chapter if you want. I have it on the side too.



Niall’s POV

“Niall come on, you have to eat.” Harry’s murmur was like a shout from the soundless room we’re in. I looked at him with exhausted, miserable eyes then back again to the unexciting white wall I’m forcing myself to look at. He sighed giving me a pat on the shoulder before exiting the room.

I was all alone once again.

Only my thoughts and feelings to accompany me in this room.

My eyes filled with tears once again as I remembered my last memory and words to her.

Stupid, idiotic me. I could have prevented everything that happened now just by not following what that stupid idiotic person told me to do.

I could have protected her or at least have one last great memory with her before she was hurt. Before everything happened only two hours ago….


“Holy Shit.” I stood there, processing everything that is in front of me.





“Niall?! Where are you?” A voice got me back to horrible reality that I was supposed to do something before it’s too late.

Running to her, kneeling in front of her, I tried to untie the ropes that was bounding her. My hands covered in blood once I successfully finished untying her. Her limp body fell to my arms and I hurriedly took her in bridal style before scurrying upstairs alerting everyone. Her eyes opened for a small while, smiling at me before closing again just like that.

Police and medical staff took her away from my arms and I fell to the ground.


End of flashback


I punched the nearest object I could get my hands on at the flashback I just had. Sobbing uncontrollably, I gripped my hair with my hands so tightly I’m afraid that I would be ripping it off leaving me two bald spots. But before I could do that, someone came in and removed my hands away from my hair.

I looked up surprised that it was Natalie who did this.

I need someone to comfort me fast.

And she did. She shushed me, told me everything was going to be alright, and told me that she’s going to be fine and that I should give myself a break.

“But it’s my fault.” I whispered. I could hear her saying no, it’s not my fault.

No one could understand my pain but me. No one….

The last of her functional memory of me is when I was the devil and she was the angel being punished. An angel who landed in hell but now, she’s being called to heaven to where she belongs. Where all the kind, pure hearted people belong.

Where I Belong (Sequel to Adoption)Where stories live. Discover now