Chapter 3- Breakfast Food

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Harry’s POV (WHO’S EXCITED?! I AM) 15 minutes earlier

“Let me just go to the bathroom real quick.” I said sleepily. Zayn nodded and closed his eyes. I walked really fast to the business class bathroom because the first class bathroom had a long line waiting for it.

On the way there, I smiled as I saw families cozying up each other. I even saw a girl with a blue cast on, cozying up to her grandfather, too bad she was facing the other way. They look so adorable.

It’s making me honestly miss Emerald…Where could she be? It’s not the same without her.

“Please buckle in, we’re going to land.” My eyes widened and I quickly zipped up my pants. A stewardess was knocking on the door. I opened it and she let me sit on an available seat near the bathroom since my seat was too far away.

When the plane landed, I hurriedly walked to my seat.

I saw the same girl with the blue cast, struggling to get her bag from the compartment. I smiled and helped her. “Here let me help.” I said as I reached for her bag with no problem. I saw Paul motioning me to hurry up so I left without a word but I did hear the girl say ‘Thank you’

I furrowed my eyebrows and looked back but I can’t see the girl again because of the people blocking my view.

I blinked a couple of times before making my way to the boys. Louis handed me my bag and I thanked him.

“I’m glad and sad that the mini tour is over.” Niall yawned. “Australia is beautiful.” I said. They all agreed and we began on chatting about random things as we exited the plane.

The paparazzi began on swarming around us. I sighed and bowed my head down. Here it goes again. I wish they would just give us a break you know?

Paul and our other guards tried to push them off and make way for us to leave but they were determined to get a statement from us.

I feel tired and shit honestly.

But as if God has answered my prayers, the paparazzi lessen and only few remained circling us. I frowned and looked at the boys who had questioning looks too.

“What’s going on?” I asked. Liam shrugged and began looking around.

Is there another celebrity in here?

“-rald Tomlinson!” I heard someone shout. I looked at Louis and he looked at me too. “What’s going on?!” He questioned. Before I could answer him I heard another shout.

“The boys and Emerald in the same airport!”

My eyes widened and I quickly looked around for the thirteen year old girl.

My eyes went over to the same girl with the blue cast. But this time, she was surrounded by the paps.


It can’t be


How can I not notice before?

“Where?!” Niall shouted frantically. “There.” I said. They all looked at where I was looking and I heard a gasp from one of them. “E-emerald?” Niall whispered beside me. She looked over to us confusingly.

What? That’s not the emotion I hoped to see from her! I thought she was going to be glad and run to us, or at least scowl and run away. But confused? What?

Niall began on pushing and moving people away so he could get to Emerald but it was too late, she was gone with two elderly people. Who are they?

“Emerald.” I whispered, feeling tears coming.

Where I Belong (Sequel to Adoption)Where stories live. Discover now