Chapter 2- Airport and a great way to start

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Sorry to the people who I didn’t respond to! Wattpad is being a butt and said ‘Oops, looks like you did something the system didn’t like’ Well f*ck you too. I want to reply to my lovely readers and you do this to me?! YOU MEANIE. But I love you because I spend most of the time in wattpad…..Anyways, onwards with the chapter!

Emerald’s POV

“Hurry up Emerald! We’re going to miss the plane if you don’t hurry!” Grandma said as I zipped up my last luggage. I smiled brightly and looked around my now bare room. Only my bed and my old wardrobe stands in the pale room. I didn't have that much things so it was easy to pack and my things only filled two suitcases. 

I grinned as I thought of the new life I could have. 

No more…

No more bullies, kicks, punches and no more teasing.

Just no more

I could finally be free and not be cowering at anyone anymore. I could finally be myself! Although, I still have no idea what I was like before the accident so that’s going to be a problem.

Maybe I could find myself in England? Maybe…

Being in Australia has its ups and downs. Ups would be the place. The place is beautiful, absolutely perfect. It's paradise honestly.The downs are the people. Not everyone, but the one who lash out their anger on me.

I carried my suitcase back down, my other suitcase already there. I carried it until I was almost at the kitchen door. It’s hard work, especially if you have a cast on your good hand.

 I stopped when I heard them talking. I know it’s really bad when you eavesdrop but the topic interested me.

“Well when are we going to tell her?” Grandpa said. “As soon as possible. I don’t want her to know from another person, poor child.” Grandma sighed.

Okay enough eavesdropping. I stomped my foot loudly and entered the kitchen with a bright smile. But I can’t help but think what they were talking about.

“I’m ready.” I smiled at the warmly. “You excited sweet?” Grandpa said, chuckling at me. I nodded and waited for them to gather their things before going to the front door and opening it for them.

“So what time is our flight again?” I asked them. It’s really early and I normally don’t wake up at 3. Me being the silly girl I am, didn’t take grandma’s advice and didn’t pack until the last minute.

“It’s at 5 darling. You could sleep on the way, you look tired.” Grandpa said as he backed out of the driveway. He could still drive for his age, which is cool. Most people his age would just sit on their rocking chairs doing nothing but crossword puzzles, but my grandpa and grandma are as active as they were when they were young. It really amazes me.

I smiled at them lazily before taking my nap.


I opened my eyes and yawned, stretching my arms at the same time. “Are we there yet?” I asked. Grandma was asleep on the passenger’s seat and it was only grandpa who was awake.

“Five more minutes. Wake your grandma for me would you?” He said. I nodded and tapped grandma on the shoulder. She’s a very light sleeper so she woke up. “Are we there yet?” She asked the same question as me.

“Five more minutes Annie, get ready if I were you.” Grandpa said. I took his advice and got ready. Brushing my hair a bit and holding my carry on tightly.

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