Chapter 17- I Bet...

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You guys ready for this long awaited chapter?! What are you all waiting for?! Read!

But before you all get excited, let’s recap a bit shall we?

Emerald ran away because of her parents, remember? Okay…..(I literally had to go back to Adoption and recap it myself ahahahaha)

Harry’s POV

I groggily sat up from my messy bed and answered my annoying beeping phone. “Hello?” I yawned. I scratched the back of my neck while looking at the time. 5 in the morning. This person better have a good explanation as to why they have to wake me up so early.

“Hello Mr. Styles?” I recognized the voice as Emerald’s doctor. I perked up a bit and stood up. “Yes?” I answered. “We have news regarding Emerald.” He said. My heart beat quickened and a nervous wave hit me like a ton of bricks.

“I suggest you and the rest of the band should go here immediately.”

I stood frozen for a minute, the doctor from the other line asking me if I was okay. “We’ll be right there.” I said before ending the call.

I dropped the phone and hurriedly went out of my room and wasted no time on knocking on everyone’ door. They shouted profanities at me for this were the second or third time everyone was awakened so early this week.

“Emerald. Something happened to her.” I said breathlessly once everyone cooled down a bit. “What do you mean?” Zayn gulped. “Her doctor called me and he said that he has news regarding Emerald.” I explained the fastest I have. “And?” Niall said worriedly.

“Well he said we should see for ourselves.” I answered. With that, everyone started to head downstairs, not bothering on changing at all. We were all wearing pajamas so it’s not like we were going naked.

Liam started the car once we were all in. It was a tight fit but we managed to fit everyone in such a hurry.

“Do you guys think it’s bad or good news?” Asked Perrie. I honestly didn’t know so I gave her a sympathetic look before shrugging. She sighed and slumped back on her seat.

The long drive was full of worry and silence. You could tell from everyone’s faces that they are either scared for what is going to happen in ten minutes, or happy that there might be a chance that Emerald is okay.

“Fuck.” Liam cursed under his breath. I looked up and saw a huge line of cars ahead of us. We all groaned and grumbled curse words silently as we waited impatiently for the traffic to clear out.

Luck is not on our side that’s for sure because it took longer than I expected for the traffic to clear out. When it did, we sighed in relief and Liam drove as fast as he could. He even broke the speed limit which he normally doesn’t do.

When we saw the hospital, there was this feeling in my stomach. A feeling that I can’t describe. I took deep breaths as Liam parked the car. We all scurried out of the car and in to the building. We were held up by fans who asked for pictures and autographs. I can’t bring myself to smile my usual smile so I just gave them a small smile and signed things as fast as I could.

“Harry?” A small voice said. I looked at the source and smiled at the little girl who has a teddy bear with her. “Yes darling?” I said.

“Emerald would be okay, I just know it.” She said with her little voice before giving me a bear hug and skipping away. I stared at where she just stood a minute ago, stunned. I then began to smile and relax, believing her.

Where I Belong (Sequel to Adoption)Where stories live. Discover now