Chapter 11- Revealing Secrets

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Niall’s POV

“I’m sorry sir but you can’t stay here much longer.” A man dressed in a white scrub suit said. I looked up at him, my eyes red blood shot from crying. “But we’re family.” Argued Liam from beside me. I rest my head again on my arms that are pressed on the top of my knees.

“It doesn’t say you’re family sorry.” The doctor said before turning on his heel and walking off to God knows where. “We are.” I grumbled. Her fucking parents didn’t even show up even though we took the liberty of calling them. They said they have more things to worry about. Their child is confined in a hospital and they don’t give a damn? Best fucking parents ever right?

“We have to go if we don’t want to get thrown out of the hospital.” I heard Eleanor whisper. She was across me, her head resting on Louis’ shoulder.

“We could always go back tomorrow.” Danielle yawned while standing up. I stood up too and brushed my jeans out. I stuffed both my hands in my pockets and left without a word.


“Hey bud.” I said softly. Alex looked at me confusingly. I patted the space beside me and he jumped and landed on the space. He made a whimper sound and I sighed and stroke his head.

“I miss her too.” I mumbled, taking in my surroundings. I was in my pyjamas and am ready for bed but I decided to spend my night here in Emerald’s room.

I reached for the picture on her bed side table and smiled sadly at the happy memory. We were at the beach and we set the camera on timer and the pic snapped. It was like a big family photograph. Everyone is smiling, our eyes glittering with happiness. We were side by side and looked like we didn’t have any care in the world. That day was one of the perfect days out of many we had.

Someone knocked on the door. Me being the depressed person I am, groaned lazily to the person on the other side of the door. The door opened to and in came Harry who looked like he just saw a ghost.

“Yeah?” I grumbled. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly and coughed. “Well um Niall someone wants to see you.” He said. “Who?” I asked. “Natalie.” He whispered. My face crunched up in disgust.

“Why?” I glared at the purple carpeted floor.

“I have no idea. She just randomly showed up here and well she’s asking for you.” Harry said, looking around the room. “Well tell her I don’t want to see her.” I mumbled.

“We did! She won’t get off the couch.” Harry sighed. I set Alex down on the ground and stood up and hastily made my way downstairs. I was ready to shout and tell Natalie to go away when I saw her in tears. Everyone else was crowded around the room, looking like they didn’t know what to do.

“Uh Natalie?” I squeaked. She looked up and she hurriedly made her way towards me. I stepped back a bit and she stopped when she was right in front of me. “N-Niall.” She whimpered.

“What are you doing here?” I coughed out. At the corner of my eye, I could see Liam and Zayn whispering to each other. I motioned for everyone to get out of the room and so they did.

I led Natalie and me to the couch and we sat down. She wiped her tears away and fumbled for her something in her purse.

Her soft brown hair was covering her right eye and I badly wanted to reach out and tuck her hair behind her ear. I love her eyes; it’s a beautiful shade of emerald green. Her long tan legs are crossed over each other. She was sniffing and her eyebrows were scrunched up cutely.


I still love her

I wanted to hate her with every ounce of my blood but unfortunately, I can’t. I have fallen in love and even though she hurt Emerald, I can’t get myself to hate her. It’s wrong I know, but there was something inside her that made my heart swell up in delight.

I could see she changed how she dressed herself. She no longer wears tank tops and short shorts but instead, she’s wearing a white flowy dress almost like an angel’s.

If anyone ever knew what I felt, I’m sure they will send me to a hospital straight away. I mean who wouldn’t? I’m in love with someone who hurt my princess!

“Niall?” She spoke causing me to get out of my thoughts. I turned my attention to her. “Um you see I came here to well um apologize.” She fumbled with her words.

I know I have to keep a tough guy act so I nodded and let her continue. “I’m sorry for everything.” She hiccupped in the end. “I never meant to hurt Emerald.” She was playing with her fingers while she was speaking.

“Why?” I asked. “Sorry?”

“Why did you hurt her?” That question was burning a hole on the back of my head. She blushed furiously and tried to hide her face from me. I stopped myself from placing a finger under her chin and turning her face upwards for her eyes to meet mine.

“Because I was jealous.” She mumbled so soft I almost didn’t hear it. I cracked a small smile but it disappeared quickly before she could see. “But what you did is still wrong Natalie.” I whispered softly.

“I’m sorry Niall, I was jealous because I loved you so much and I hated it when your attention was on Emerald instead on me.” She spoke. My heart was beating so fast, I’m not going to be surprised if my chest bursts.

“Um so.” I coughed awkwardly. “Is that all?” I asked. She looked up at me and gave me a small smile that made the butterflies in my stomach go wild. “Yeah.” She said standing up.

She waved goodbye and headed towards the door and out of the house.

Just like that


Emerald’s POV

Standing in the middle of nothing is not such a bad thing. My arm is healed and I could float around. How? I have no idea. I’m wearing a white flowy dress that reaches my knees. My hair was in wavy curls and no matter how much I played with it, it still didn’t mess up. Weird thing is that I could feel nothing at all. No air breezing pass me, no ground no nothing. I also noticed that I’m not wearing anything to cover up my bare feet.

Author’s Note

Bet you guys didn’t expect that now did you?

I’m not going to set a target because I’ve been a rubbish person and I didn’t update for so long! Sorry for writer’s block!

And this chapter is so short! SORRY SORRY SORRY! I didn’t have time to write too because it was such a busy week.

Forgive me please?!

Don’t hate me! I’m so sorry! I promise the next chapter would be better and longer!

Stay pretty my pretties! Unless you’re a dude! Then stay handsome!




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