Chapter 8- Making Up

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I want to thank JessicaNelson4 and Jae_1D_Awesome for spamming me XD Don’t ever think that you guys are annoying me by doing this! Love ya xxx

And of course, thank you all for commenting xxx

Emerald’s POV

I woke up to talking from outside the room I’m in. Jane kindly offered me her guest room to stay in and I gladly accepted. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already five in the evening. Did I really stay that long?

I got off the bed as quietly as I could possibly be and tip toed to the door. I opened it slightly and eavesdrop, an action I probably shouldn’t do but I’m still doing it.

“Please just let us see her.” Pleaded a feminine voice. I want to poke my head out to look at the visitors so badly but I’m afraid they’ll see me.

“I’m sorry but she’s sleeping.” I heard Jane sigh. So whoever was there, wanted to see me?

“Please, we won’t wake her up. I-I just want to see her.” It was different female voice and she sounded like she was crying.

“Dear, stop crying. Would you like some water?” Jane offered to the girl. “No thank you, but I would very much want to see Emerald.” She cried.

There was a period of silence and only heavy breathing and stifled cries could be heard. I wonder how many people there are.

“Okay fine.” Jane said. “Make sure you don’t wake the poor girl up.” She said. And with that, I heard quiet cheers. I ran to the bed as fast as I could and dove straight to it. I gasped and held on my right arm, that I unfortunately landed on.

Don’t cry! You’re a big girl now Emerald!

I reminded myself.

I tried normalizing my breathing and also tried to take in the tears that are already forming when the door opened.

“Oh my gosh.” A girl voice whispered. “Oh Emerald….can I hug her Louis?” The first girl voice I heard outside said. “Sorry, we can’t afford to wake her up.” Now the voice belonged to the boy who snapped at me.

What the hell is he doing here? I thought he was mad at me? I actually thought about it while I was in the car.

Why is it that it looks like every adult in the world is hates me? I’m just thirteen; I don’t deserve all the things thrown to me.

When you’re thirteen, aren’t your problems supposed to consist of makeup and boys and not my problems?

“Look she’s crying.” One whispered. Dang it, I thought I could hold my tears much longer.

I shifted a bit so half my face is covered by the pillow. “Shh, don’t cry princess.” Someone whispered, very dangerously closed may I add. I froze when someone touched my cheek and wiped the tears away.

But what made my heart stop for a second is when someone decided to kiss my cheek for a few seconds. But honestly? It felt good…It almost felt like whoever kissed my cheek truly loves me.

“Niall stop she might wake up.” A deep voice said. “I miss her.” The person who kissed my cheek mumbled, gently stroking my hair.

“We miss her too but we need to go now.” A male voice said. He sighed and let go of my hair. I heard someone footsteps before my door closed.

I waited for a good minute before sitting up and touching my cheek.

“Princess…” I trailed off.

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