Chapter 15- The Connection We Make

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O.O Guys I’m not the most updated person when it comes to music but one of my readers commented on Adoption that Natalie’s theme song should be Natalie by Bruno Mars! Isn’t that cool?! Check it out! It basically describes Natalie and oh my gosh I swear I haven’t heard of the song while I am creating Natalie!

 GUYS I CHANGED MY TWITTER! I decided to start off new and now my twitter is: @DaydreamerDuh FOLLOW ME PLEASE!

Louis’ POV

I groaned as this was the second time my lovely dreams were interrupted today. I threw a pillow at the person who was shaking me awake violently. “Louis!” I heard Eleanor’s scolding voice said. I smirked a bit and squeezed the pillow I was currently hugging, tightly.

“You need to get up.” She sighed frustrated. “Why?” I mumbled my eyes still shut close. “We need to visit Emerald remember?” She said softly. I opened my eyes slowly and stared at her for a while before I got up.

“Are the others up?” I said seriously while putting on a random pair of jeans I found on the floor beside the bed. “Whoa, slow down Louis.” Eleanor chuckled as she collected the things she needed for her shower.

“Everyone is still asleep so you still have time to have a proper shower.” Eleanor said calmly before she walked off to the bathroom. I groaned and got out of the pants I threw on and put on my boxers. I had to wait for Eleanor to be done in the shower before I could get a shower.

I sighed and got out of our bedroom and knocked on the others’ rooms. One by one, they answered even grumbling about how early I am waking them up when really, it’s already twelve in the afternoon.

“Get ready, we’re going to visit Emerald today.” But whenever I would say that phrase, they would give me a smile and as if by magic, they miraculously gathered everything they needed for a shower like Eleanor and quickly went to their bathrooms.

I decided to make them breakfast so here I am flipping pancakes. I don’t mind being the last one to shower because I’m quite fast when I take one and the cold water relaxes me for some reason.

The first one to get down was Niall. He bid me a good morning and sat down on a stool. He drank his orange juice quietly until I tried to make conversation with him. I know Niall and being one of his best mates, I’ve noticed that something is off about him after Natalie’s little visit.

“Niall what happened?” I asked while I placed the plate of pancakes in the middle of the table. Plates were already set up around the wooden table so Niall just took about three pancakes and drowned them with syrup.

“What do you mean?” He asked before cutting himself a piece and eating it. I rolled my eyes at the younger lad. He knows exactly what I was talking about. “Natalie.” I simply said but it made a huge difference to Niall. His eyes turned sad and he was eating his food slowly.

“Can I have more Orange juice please?” He asked me, avoiding the subject. I sighed and got off the stool I was sitting on and fetched him the juice. I placed the jug in front of him and sat on the stool next to him.

“Now, what happened?” I demanded. I didn’t mean to use that tone but I was getting frustrated. He dropped his utensils and looked at me. His eyes were full of emotion and his face was reddening by the minute.

“I-“But he was interrupted by Eleanor gleefully walking in. I smiled at my girlfriend but was a bit disappointed by her timing.

“Pancakes! Yum!” She grinned before taking two for her. Like Niall, she drowned hers with syrup and began on conversing with a recovering Niall. She was talking with a full mouth so she looked like a chipmunk. A cute chipmunk.

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