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"Hey. Legacy. Hey. Hey. Hey. Legacy. Hey. Wake up. Legacy." I woke up to someone poking my side repeatedly. "If you don't stop I'm going to stab you in the fucking throat." I threatened, not opening my eyes. "Okay, damn. But you have to wake up." I groaned and opened my eyes, seen Amity standing next to my bed. "Why?" I sighed, sitting up. She smirked. "You don't remember what today is, do you?" I shook my head. "Your birthday?" I asked. She shook her head. ".....My birthday?" she rolled her eyes. "No! It's June 13th!" I raised my eyebrow. What's on the- "HOLY SHIT!" I put it together. We're going to see Black Veil Brides in concert today! I jumped up.

"What time is it!?" I yelled. She laughed. "1." I quickly pushed her out of my room and started getting ready. I took a quick shower and changed into a pair of black skinny cut off jean shorts that went mid thigh and a Black Veil Brides shirt. I slipped on my black Vans and did my usual makeup. I straightened my long, dyed light baby blue hair, almost white and threw on a black beanie.

By the time I was finished, it was already 2:30. I walked out to the living room and seen Amity putting toast in the toaster.

"AMITY! THERE'S NO TIME FOR TOAST! WE GOTTA GO!" I yelled, grabbing the keys to the car. She glared at me. "There is always time for toast." she said calmly. I sighed and leaned against the counter and stared at her the whole minute the toast was in the toaster. When it popped up she took a bite of it.

"Kay, let's go." She said, walking out of the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and we walked to the car. "Are we still picking up Ross, Blake and Beth?" I asked, starting the car. She nodded and hooked her phone up to the radio. She started blasting Beautiful Remains by Black Veil Brides. It's only appropriate.

When we pulled in front of Beth's house, her, Ross and Blake practically ran out and jumped in the car. "Alright, you ready to start this 4 hour drive to meet our idols!?" I laughed. They all cheered and we started our journey.

Okay, let me give you a little description of my life. My name is Legacy Carson Jones and I am a 19 year old tattoo artist who looks like she's 15. Basically. But anyway, me and my best friends Amity, Beth, Ross and Blake have to drive 4 hours from Cleveland Ohio, to Cincinnati Ohio for a BVB concert. If we get to meet the band, it will be totally worth it because I have to tell Andy something I've wanted to tell him since... It... Happened. And that is, basically that he helped me through it. Through his lyrics.

After 4 long hours of sitting in the car, we finally made it to the hotel and checked in. We were all sharing a room because... Well.... We kinda spent all of our money on the tickets. But it was a huge room because the hotel mixed up the rooms, we were supposed to get a 3 bed, but we got a 5 bed with a HUGE BAR, so it's okay.

After we brought our bags in the room, we all decided to walk to the venue because it was super close and we didn't want to have to pay for parking.

Might I say, that was a long line. There were so many people, it kinda made me lose hope of meeting Andy. But I gotta try. I'm determined.

"Oh Jesus." Blake said as we walked to the end of the line. Some of these people must have been waiting since like... Early this morning. Damn. "Well, there goes our chance of meeting Andy." Ross said. I felt a lump rise in my throat and I looked down. "Don't say that!" Amity glared at Ross and tapped an arm around my shoulder. I shrugged it off and leaned against the wall of the venue.

"I mean, even if I do get to tell him, it's not like he's gonna care. He meets thousands upon thousands of fans. What makes you think he's gonna remember me?" I asked with a shrug, trying to keep the tears from coming.

Secrets. (Andy Biersack) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now