Challange Accepted.

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Andy's POV

"Its Legacy..." one of the girls said. Amity snapped her head their way. "She's awake." Amity let out a breath of relief and I honestly felt a little relief in myself. "Ross just told us, come on." The other girl waved us over and we walked into the hospital and over to Ross and Ashley.

"Holy shit, she's okay." Ross said as she smiled widely. "They say the only thing that wrong is she has a few broken ribs and her ankle is fractured." Amity nodded then thought of something. "What made her pass out? And why did she stop breathing!?" She exclaimed. "They said she must've hit her head on something in the wrong way, then that mixed with the stress and anxiety was enough to make her pass out, then her heart was beating so fast it over powered and shut her body down." Ross explained. "Can we go see her?" one of the girls said, reading my mind. I kinda did wanna see her. I mean, she is my supposed girlfriend after all. I would kinda like to see her.

"They said after she wakes up, but we can only see her 2 at a time. She can't be too overwhelmed." We all nodded in understanding and decided to sit.

After a half hour, they said she was awake. I wanted to go first, but Ross was so worked up we let her and Ashley go first.

"Okay, so me and Jake next, then Beth and Jinxx, then Blake and Cc, then Andy by himself." Amity said. I looked at her. "Why me last?" I asked, a little offended honestly, why? I have no idea. "Because I'm sure she wants to be alone with you and it will cause her less stress of we can get her a little comfortable before we send you in." I sighed and decided to get on my phone until it was my turn.

"Andy!" I was snapped out of the trance my phone caused by someone tapping my shoulder. I looked up and seen Amity. "You can go see her now." I nodded and went to the room she told me.

I walked in and seen her sitting there with tubes and machines hooked up to her. She looked at me and smiled slightly. I returned the smile as I sat down in the seat next to the bed.

"This is familiar," she laughed slightly. Her smile faded then she shook her head. "You don't remember." she whispered. I bit my lip and looked down. I was about to say something but I was cut off by the doctor coming in.

"I'm just here to see if you need stitches," the older lady said as she took a bandage off Legacy's wrist. I remembered the video the guy sent us where he cut her wrist and I suddenly felt angry.

"You need stitches, so do you want the numbing shot or do you just wanna do it? You have tattoos and doing it without the numbing shot isn't much worse, but it's up to you." Legacy shrugged. "I'll go without." the doctor nodded and left the room. Legacy then looked at me and groaned. I smiled at her beauty and laughed slightly, then shook my head with the smile still on my face because of the fact that I actually get to call her mine. I'm proud of it, honestly. She's beautiful.

"What?" she laughed at me. I laughed also and shook my head again. "Nothing." she smiled. "What!?" right wen she said that, I was hit with a truck of memories. I remembered.... Everything.

Legacy's POV

"What?!" I laughed a little. Right when I said that, he looked like he just got light headed, but he was sitting down. He stated at the ground for a second then looked back up at me. I was suddenly tackled in a hug.

"Oh my god Legacy, I remember everything! I'm so sorry!" he gasped out. I smiled and pulled away, looking him in the eyes.

"You remember everything!?" I managed out. He nodded. "I-I remember the hotel, t-the field, the ice cream and hot tubbing, Legacy I remember you!" He said quickly. I smiled and cupped his face with my hands and kissed him passionately. He kissed back with a smile on his face.

I can't believe he remembered!

"Legacy..." He gasped once we pulled away, both of us out of breath. "I love you. Fuck! I love you so much!" he said after he hugged me. I hugged him as hard as I could and buried my head in the crook of his neck. "I love you too." I smiled. He pulled away and kissed me again.

Am so glad he remembered. I don't know how long I would last if he didn't...

After I was finally discharged from the hospital after 2 more hours, we finally all went home.

"We're finally home." I gasped as we both collapsed on the couch. He looked at me and laughed.

"Are you as tired as I am?" he asked. I laughed and nodded. "God my ribs hurt." I groaned. "Well I can make something else hurt..." Andy smirked at me. My cheeks turned a deep shade of red and I looked at him with wide eyes. I tried as hard as I could not to laugh at the sexual innuendo.

"I don't believe you can, Mr. Biersack." I decided to say. His smirk turned into a devilish grin. Before I knew it, I was picked up and my legs got wrapped around Andy's waist. I laughed and put my arms around his neck as he carried us upstairs and to the room.

"Is that a challenge, future Mrs. Beirsack?" He smirked as he laid me on the bed and held himself over me by his arms.

I smiled up at him and nodded. "I believe so," his smirk grew wider and he kissed me hard.

"Challenge accepted."

2 more updates left. Mwahahahaha. But sadly, this is the last REAL chapter, so prepare to say goodbye to Legacy, Ross, Amity, Beth and Blake.

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