All Because Of Andy

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Well, it's been a week, and today I'm going back to Ohio. I still need to make up my mind on whether or not I want to move here or not. But maybe I could talk to Andy because he literally moved from Ohio to California, so maybe he has some tips for me.

"Hey Andy," I said as he helped me pack my bag again. "Hmm?" he answered. "Should I move here? I mean, it's a long way, and I would be moving away from my friends, and I'm young and just...." I groaned. "I'm second guessing. Help me." he laughed and sat next to me on the bed.

"Well, do you like it here?" he asked. I nodded. "A lot. It's awesome here." I smiled. He smiled also then shrugged. "Your friends could come visit, or you could visit them, and I know," he started. He looked me in the eyes. "It's scary to leave your whole life behind for something that could possibly not even work out, but you gotta take risks! You gotta live!" he laughed a little and poked my cheek. "It's up to you if you wanna move here. You can stay here until you get an apartment or whatever." I smiled and jumped up. "Really!?" he laughed and nodded. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" I yelled before I tackle hugged him (out of love) onto the bed.

"You're welcome." he looked up at me and laughed. I looked down at our position and blushed heavily. I was sitting on him with my legs on both sides of him, my arms were holding me above him with my hands on both sides of his head, his hands were on my waist and our faces were closer than they should've been.

Our faces were getting closer and closer with each breath we took, but neither of us broke eye contact. We got so close, I could feel his breath on my lips. My heart was beating out of my chest, I'm sure he could hear it, hell, my breath was already uneven. I was about to lean in more but my phone decided to ring. I snapped out of my small trance and jumped up, answering it immediately.

"H-hello?" I stuttered. "Have you made up your mind?" Kat spoke back to me. I looked at Andy and but my lip. "Yeah..." I said. "So, What is it? Are you moving to L.A. or staying in Ohio?" I could tell she was jumping up and down from suspense because of her shaky voice. "Well, Kat," I started, looking at Andy. "I guess I'm moving to L.A." Andy smiled and stood up before running to me. He picked me up and spun in a circle. "Yes!" Andy laughed. I smiled and held the phone up to my ear again. Kat was screaming. "PIXIE! SHE'S MOVING HERE!" Kat yelled. Seconds later I heard Pixie scream and I laughed. "Well, I gotta catch a flight. Boxes won't pack themselves." I laughed before we said our goodbyes and hung up.

Andy smirked before he picked me up and hugged me. I laughed and looked at him. "YOU'RE MOVING TO L.A!"

2 days later

"YOU'RE MOVING TO L.A!?" Beth yelled. I smiled and nodded. "What!? Why!? You can't just leave us!" Ross yelled. My smile slowly started to fade. "How could you be so selfish!?" Beth yelled again. My smile went away pretty fast and I looked down. "Guys! It's her life! She can do what she wants! If she wants to move to L.A, she can! It's not your choice!" Amity yelled, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. "You're doing this for Andy, aren't you!?" Ross said out of no where. "What? No! I'm doing this because of a job! Andy is just a  bonus!" I growled back. "Why are you guys mad at her? At least she's fucking happy now! Have you guys noticed how much happier she's been since Andy came into the picture!?" Blake finally spoke up. Beth just groaned and stood up. "Where are you going?" I asked. She sighed. "Legacy, he's gonna hurt you. I hate to say it, but he's a rock star, you're just the girl who had a bad past, you're just another friend to him. Just," she shook her head and opened the door. "Don't fall for him. He might break you more than you were before. Call me when you get that through your brain." was all she said before she walked out and shut the door. Ross got up and looked at me. "When you're stuck up there, no where to go, no one to turn to, don't bother calling me. Actually, just don't call me at all, for that matter." she snapped before she walked out. I looked at Blake and Amity in shock.

"What just happened? Did I do something?" Amity shook her head. "No, they're just mad because you're leaving. You didn't do anything. They'll get over it." I looked down and but my lip. "Why are they mad?" I asked. "Because it's with Andy." Blake said. Amity hit her arm. "What? What about him?" Amity sighed and looked at me. "Well, Legacy, all you've been talking about for the past month is Andy, so that's probably the reason they don't like him." I nodded a little and stood up. "What are you doing?" Blake asked. "Um, I'm gonna think for a little. I still gotta pack." I said before I walked out. When I finally got to my car, I got in and broke down. I don't even know what it was at this point. Just everything going through my mind at once. I just hope I don't regret moving to L.A.


It sucks, I know, but it's just a filler!


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