Dave Franco, is that you?!

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"So," I started, putting the empty ice cream carton on the table. I turned to Blake and smiled. "When did you and Cc happen?" I asked. She looked up from painting Amity's nails and smiled a little.

"Well, if we go back to the beginning," She laughed a little. "At the concert, he kept staring at me." she did one last stroke of black paint on Amity's and looked at me.

"He kept giving me silly faces and stuff like that. So skip to when we met them, when he signed my phone, he gave me his number. We talked for a month, then he asked me out and that's it." she was blushing the whole time. I smirked. "WHEN'S THE WEDDING?" Beth yelled. I laughed and raised my hand. "I CALL MAID OF HONOR!" I screamed.

"Guys! Shut up!" Blake laughed. I looked at Ross, who was on her phone in the corner, texting someone, and smiling occasionally.

"So, Amity, you and Make were pretty flirty earlier." Beth smirked, throwing a piece of popcorn at Amity. She looked down and blushed. "Well," she shrugged. "We just have a lot in common..." she tried to contain her smile. "Why am I thinking you guys will make beautiful babies..." Blake said, staring off into space. Amity got even more red, then Ross spoke up.

"Actually, cute babies would be between Andy and Legacy." She said, not looking up from her phone.

"What? No!" I said. Amity laughed and nodded.

"Yes! His blue eyes, plus your green, oh my god if you get lucky and those colors mix, that baby would have such beautiful eyes!" Beth said. "Oh my god yes! And his blondish hair mixed with her natural brown hair, Oh my god!" Amity smiled. "His chin and her cheek bones, oh my god that baby would be so beautiful!" Ross screamed. Beth squeaked out of excitement and I felt my cheeks burning.

"Oh my god, or what if the baby had one blue eye and one green eye! That would be so cool!" Blake yelled.

"Is that even possible?" I asked. Amity gasped. "Google! Ross!" Amity yelled and pointed at Ross who was still on her phone. "Already on it." she said, not taking her eyes off the screen.

"Guys!" I said, standing up. They looked at me. Well, not Ross. "Andy is dating Juliet, it would never happen! Don't get your hopes up because he doesn't like me! It's not gonna happen! This baby with magical eyes is not gonna happen! We're never gonna happen!" I yelled. They all had shocked expressions on their faces.

I just sighed and sat back down. When I felt something wet on my cheek, I raised my eyebrow and touched my cheek. I was crying, Dammit.

"Are..... Are you jealous?" Beth said. I looked down and but my lip. "GOOGLE SAYS IT'S POSSIBLE BUT VERY RARE." Ross broke the awkward silence.

"Wait, wait, wait, Legacy," Amity looked me in the eyes. "Are you jealous of Andy and Juliet?" I looked down for a second before looking back up at her.

Secrets. (Andy Biersack) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now