If We Don't Have Trust, We Don't Have Anything

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"Legacy... Your wrist..." Andy cut me off. I looked at my arm and quickly put it to my side, suddenly feeling insecure. Andy walked towards me and grabbed my arm gently. He pointed my wrist up and examined the scars that littered it all over. New and old.

"You promised."  he said quietly. "Andy, I was gonna tell you, I just didn't want to ruin your tour!" I looked down. He sighed slightly. "When were you planning on telling me?" I just bit my lip. He didn't say anything else before hugging me tightly. "Please tell me next time. I just want to prevent you from doing that again." he said in my ear. I nodded and we pulled away.

"What happened?" he asked. I just sighed. "Could we get out of the water first?" I laughed a little. He laughed also and we made out way out of the water onto the grass.

"Well, me and my mom got into a stupid argument and she said the reason my dad left was because of me. It was stupid, and I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I used makeup to cover it up, it obviously came off." he hugged me again and sighed. "I should get you home, and I need to get back to the hotel, the guys are probably wondering where I am." I nodded and we stood up. As we walked back into the woods, I felt kinda cold. Okay, really cold. The cold night breeze is not my best friend right now.

"Are you cold?" Andy asked when he seen I was shivering. "A little. I'm fine." I laughed a little. He got the good end of the deal, I got soaked all over while just his legs got wet because he caught his balance. I didn't.

"Here," he took off the leather jacket he was wearing and handed it to me. "Andy, I'm fine." I laughed a little, giving it back. He laughed before putting it over my shoulders. I would've given it back but it was so warm and I was so cold. I just shrugged before putting my arms through the sleeves.

"Here, I know a short cut back to the car. You have to jump over a bung of stuff though. People bump their unwanted shit there." he laughed a little. I shrugged. "I'm cool with it, I just wanna be warm again." I laughed a little. "Follow me." we started going through the woods and it all looked normal... Until I looked to my left. People dumped couches, trash, cooling fans, anything you can imagine, really.

"Can you jump up this?" Andy asked, pointing to a log that broke off over a pit of trash and on the other side was another broken log. It was only about 2 feet wide, but you had to jump up, not just across. I nodded and he jumped first. I jumped up and he grabbed my hand to help me catch my balance again.

We went though about 2 of those before we got to one that was huge. It was about 4 feet across and the one log was a solid foot and a half higher than the other. He jumped it with no problem. I looked into the pit and seen it was just a bunch of dirt with a few items of trash. Something shiny caught some moon light and I seen that it was a metal cooling fan that was missing the front of it, so it was just the blades sticking out of the dirt. It was only about 3 feet below me but one wrong move and that thing will be sticking out of my leg.

"Can you jump it?" Andy snapped me out of my thoughts. I nodded and took a deep breath. I built up a little momentum before I lunged myself to the other log. My foot slipped and Andy grabbed my arm, but since he only grabbed one arm, I slipped and fell into the pit. I felt a sharp pain in my leg and screamed out in pain.

"FUCK!" I yelled as I looked down at the pics of metal that cut my shin. It just glided across my leg, it's not like I fell on top of it, but it was still sharp enough to cut through my pants and cut me at least 2 inches.

Secrets. (Andy Biersack) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now