Oh, Alcohol

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"Will you be my girlfriend?" my breath caught in my throat. I looked up at Andy in complete shock. He has a slight cheesy smile but his eyes held eagerness.

"Y-yes! Of course!" I gasped out. His smile grew even bigger and he wrapped his arms around my waist, picking me up. Then he wrapped my legs around his waist and I buried my head in the crook of his neck.

"I've been wanting to ask you this since before Juliet and I broke up." He whispered in my ear. I looked up at him and crashed my lips into his. He smiled against my lips and missed back hungrily. Oh alcohol, always making everyone eager.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my hands through the back of his hair, pulling occasionally.

He pulled away for a second so we could get air and looked into my eyes. His ice blue eyes had nothing but lust and desperation in them. I grinned stupidly and crashed my lips into his once more. He started walking towards the bed and I grinded against him, letting him know I needed him now. He moaned slightly and I smirked against his lips. He sat on the bed and I straddled him.

He pulled away slightly and started missing down my neck as his hands made their way to the back of my thighs, gripping them slightly. I gasped out a moan as he slightly bit and sucked on my sweet spot. "Fuck Andy, I know you're more rough than this," I moaned out as he but harder. He chuckled against my neck and pulled away, locking our eyes.

"So you want me to be rough with you?" he smirked. I nodded. He blinked and when he opened his eyes, I saw nothing but pure lust in them. Next thing I know, Andy kissed me roughly. He gripped my thighs strongly and pulled me closer to him. I smiled and missed him back just as hungrily and grinded against him. His hands trailed up my back and to the collar of my shirt. Before I knew it, he ripped the shirt in half and three it on the ground.

"I'll by you another shirt." he said against my lips breathlessly. "Don't worry about it." I gasped out. His started missing down my neck, biting and sucking occasionally. I moaned here and there as I trailed my hands down his chest and to the hem of his shirt. I tugged it over his head and grinded against him once again.

"F-Fuck I love it when you do that." he moaned out. I smirked and started kissing down his neck. When I reached his sweet spot, I sucked and bit hard, making sure I left a mark.

"HEY YOU GUYS! OH MY GOD, YOU'RE SO CUTE!" me and Andy jumped apart, just to see a very drunk Ross tumbling into the room.

"Shit." I whispered to myself. I grabbed Andy's shirt and pulled it over myself and walked up to Ross.

"Okay, okay, you need to go back to the hotel and sleep." she started giggling. "What!? Why!? I wanna stay here!" she slurred. I laughed and pushed her out.

"I'm gonna take her to the hotel." I said to Andy before I closed the door. "Alright, alright, let's go." I sighed as I grabbed her arm and pulled her downstairs. We swerved past all the drink people and eventually got to the car. I managed to get her in and got in myself.

"Jesus, why do you get like this?" I sighed as I started driving down the road. "Hey Legacy..." Ross started. I looked at her. "Huh?" she but her lip. "When is this gonna be over? He's still looking. What if he finds us?" my breath caught in my throat and I nearly stopped the car, but I didn't. "Ross, we agreed to not talk about that! It's over, we changed, he can't find us! Hell, we moved states!" she nodded slowly. "Just.... I'm scared. Ya know? We cant get close to anyone, but Damn... Me and Ashley click. Please, Legacy, tell me he won't find us." she begged in her drunken state. I nodded and kept driving. "He won't find us. I promise." she nodded and looked down. "But please don't bring that up. I haven't gotten around to telling him..." she looked at me. "You're not supposed to! That's the whole point!" she exclaimed. I but my lip.

"Ross, I have to tell him..." I trailed off. "Why?" I cleared my throat. "Um... We're together. I have to." she was quiet so I looked over at her. Her jaw dropped, even though it shouldn't be that surprising. I mean, she did just walk in on me and Andy about to... Be intimate.... Yeah...

I snapped out of my thoughts when she just looked foreword again. 

"Well. Shit."


Hehe, heyy! Short, but a HUGE filler. You probably hate me right now because you don't know who "he" is or what's gonna happen. And, if we're being honest, you'll probably hate me by the end of this story. Eh, probably not. Idk, If this ends up the way in planing. But anyway, I'm gonna try to update every day until this ends so... Bye!!

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