Coincidence? I think not...

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When we all got back to the hotel, we decided to all get ready for bed because we were all so tired. But me and Beth got hungry and decided to go to the lobby to ask if they knew any good places to get pizza or something around here. As we rode down in the elevator, she kept smirking at me.

"What?" I laughed. She just shrugged. "Oh nothing, just the fact that Andy fucking hugged you!" she exclaimed. "So?" I asked, trying not to freak out at the memory. My shirt still smelled like his cologne. Did that sound creepy? That sounded a little creepy.

"He didn't just hug you, he went out of his way to hug you. He fucking ignored the guard and jumped the barrier to fucking hug you. People don't just do that to people they don't know, then say they I love it" to you when you fucking tell them your name." I just laughed slightly. "He was just being nice. You're just being paranoid." I laughed as we walked out of the elevator. "I can see it now, Andacy." I looked at her and raised my eyebrow. "Andacy?" she nodded. "It's your ship name." I just laughed and rolled my eyes. When I looked back forward at the front desk, I seen 2 guys standing there talking to the reseptionest.

"I'm so sorry, we must have mixed up your rooms, we'll get you another one with no charge."  the lady smiled. We walked up to the desk and my breath hitched when I seen who it was. Andy and Jinxx were leaning on the counter, talking to the lady. I looked at Beth and seen the huge smirk on her face, showing that she was thinking the same thing as I was.

We're staying in the same hotel as Black Veil Brides. Holy shit.

"Thank you." Andy said to the lady. Him and Jinxx turned around and Andy glanced at me. He gave me a small wave before taking a double take and smirking. "I like your pants." he called out before him and Jinxx walked into an elevator. I looked down and seen I was wearing Batman pajama pants. I laughed slightly and turned to Beth.

"She said there's a pizza place right down the street." She smiled. I nodded. "Lets go!" I laughed, grabbing her arm and pulling her out of the building. Yes, we are really going to a pizza place at 2 in the morning, in our pajamas.

When we got back to the hotel, my stomach was rumbling. Oh, the reason both of us went was because we got 6 pizzas. Yes, 6. Because we're fat and we will get the munchies... Because.... Of a reason... And also because we're on our periods and we wanted some pizza. And chocolate. So we went to a store and got a bunch of candy and monster. We were trying to hold pizza and carry bags at the same time. So, believe it or not, but it was really hard.

When we got in the elevator, I pressed the 8 button because we were on the 8th floor. I looked over at Beth and laughed. "We are so fat." she laughed and nodded. The elevator stopped at the 6th floor to let someone in. I looked past the pizza boxes and seen Andy. How? Is he like, stalking me? I mean, I wouldn't have a problem...

"Having a party?" he laughed slightly, walking into the elevator. I looked at Beth, who was smirking at me. I just rolled my eyes at her.

"Um, no, we're just fat..." I laughed. "You're not." Andy looked at me and smiled slightly. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. We all stepped out and I laughed slightly. "Nice seeing you again." Andy laughed slightly. I nodded and me and Beth started walking. I felt the bag start to slip out of my hand and I prayed to God it wouldn't fall. But it did.

"FUUUUUUUUUUCK." I groaned, dragging out the "U". Beth laughed at me and looked down. "What a shame. Tampons. Everywhere." I busted out laughing.

"Need some help?" we looked down the hallway a little and seen Andy leaning against the wall. "Yes please." Beth smirked. Andy laughed slightly and walked towards us. "I'll meet you in the room, Legacy." Beth smirked at me before walking away. I glared at her and helped Andy pick up every thing that fell out of the bag.

"Would you like me to carry that to your room?" he asked. I smiled. "You don't have to..." I trailed off. He took the pizzas out of my hand and handed me the bag. "I want to." he smiled. And with that, we walked down the long hall way to the room. When we got to the door, I knocked on it, remembering I didn't have the key.

"Just a second, dear!" Ross called through the door. I rolled my eyes. I could hear the girls whispering, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I looked at Andy and laughed a little. "Sorry, my friends are weird." I said. He shrugged. "If you think they're weird then you haven't met Cc yet." he laughed a little. Before anything else was said, the door opened. "I'll take that," Amity said, taking the bag out of my hand. "And I'll take this," Ross grabbed the pizzas out of Andy's hand and shut the door quickly Before I could get inside. I started banging on the door.

"Open the door, asslamp!" I yelled through the door. "Asslamp?" Andy asked. I turned to him. "Yeah, that's our thing." The door opened and Amity was standing there. "Let me in." I groaned. "No." she said quickly Before she pushed me into Andy then quickly slammed the door. I looked up and quickly stammered out of his personal space.

"Sorry about that..." I looked down and blushed. He chuckled. "It's fine. Um, I'll see you later?" he stated, but it sounded more like a question. I nodded slightly and looked up at him. He gave me one last smile before walking down the hall way. Once he entered a room, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I knocked on the door slightly.

"He's gone, open the door." I sighed. The door opened, revelling Blake with the biggest smile on her face. "Get in here and tell us what happened!" she laughed, pulling me into the room. I laughed and sat on the bed.

"Noting happed, I said sorry about my friends, he said it was fine and he would see me later." I shrugged any took a piece of pizza. "Wait... What does he mean by "see you later"? Does he like... Want to see you again?" Amity smirked, sitting next to me. I laughed and shrugged. "I don't know. He was probably just being nice. I'm nothing but a fan to him." I sighed and took another bite from the pizza.

"Dude, it's obvious he wants to see you again." Ross said. I shrugged. "He has Juliet, it's not like he was flirting with me or anything. He was just being nice. You guys are paranoid." I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever. Lets light this blunt!" Amity laughed. We all cheered and I lit it. Yup, defiantly getting stoned tonight.

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