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Andy's POV

My eyes opened and I was immediately blinded by nothing but pure white paint and a florescent light above me. I looked around and groaned lightly as I realized I was in a hospital. Wait, why was I in a hospital? What did I do this time?

My head was pounding as I tried to remember what happened. The last thing I remember is standing in a field with some girl..... What was her name again? She seemed so familiar but I just couldn't put my finger on it. Maybe she was one of my friends? One of Juliet's friends? I don't know but I knew her from somewhere.

I was cut off from my thoughts when the door opened. I looked at the door and seen Ashley, Jake and 2 girls I couldn't quite name.

"Oh, you're awake." Ashley said with a shocked expression, but I could tell he had a hint of worry in his features as well.

"Hey, what's up? Aren't you gonna introduce me?" I shot Ashley and Jake a knowing smirk. They looked confused though. So did the girls.

"Huh?" Jake then questioned. "Fine then, I'll introduce myself," I laughed slightly. "I'm Andy." The 2 girls looked at each other then back at me. "Oh shit..." One of them said. "Andy, please tell me You know who I am." The same girl said. I raised my eyebrow and stared at her. "I'm Amity! Your girlfriends best friend!" She exclaimed.

"I'm sure I would remember you if you were Juliet's friend..." I trailed off. The other girl groaned and put her head in her hands.

"Fuck! Please tell me you remember Legacy!" The Amity girl said. I looked at her with nothing but pure confusion in my face.

"Someone's named Legacy? Unique. I kinda like it-" "WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS, GOD DAMMIT!" The other girl cut me off.

"Andy, I'm Ross, that's Amity, we're best friends with Legacy, your girlfriend, who is missing after a motorcycle accident you 2 were in! You have to help us find her!" The girl then yelled. I tried to remember but I just couldn't.

"I'm sorry..." I shook my head and trailed off. The Amity chick shook her head as a year ran down her face. "She's probably already fucking gone!" She yelled before she ran out. Jake looked between me and her, obviously wanting to go after her.

"Just go, I'll explain everything to him." Ashley said to Jake. He didn't say anything, he just nodded and ran out.

"Jesus Andy, please tell me You remember Legacy." Ross said as she walked over to me. I shook my head and liked up at her. "I don't, I'm sorry." She rubbed the bridge of her nose and sighed.

"Do you remember anything? Anything at all?" Ashley asked. I thought for a moment. "Um I was standing in a field with some girl... I can't remember who it was..." I trailed off. "Okay, okay, that's good. Do you remember anything about the girl?" Ross questioned. I thought again. "She had a sleeve of tattoos," I tried to focus on remembering more about her. "And her hair... It was like a baby blue, al-" "Almost white?" Ross cut me off, practically reading my mind. "Yeah." I said, a little surprised. "That was Legacy! That's your girlfriend!" She smiled. I on the other hand was extremely confused.

"Wait, I thought I was dating-" "You and Juliet broke up." Ashley said nonchalantly. Ross smacked his arm and rolled her eyes. "So... I'm dating some girl I don't even know?" I decided to ask. Ross groaned. "There is no way you're that much of an idiot!" She took a deep breath before liking at me again.

"You're dating Legacy, you and Juliet broke up a long time ago. You and legacy got into a motorcycle accident, you got knocked out and Legacy went missing. Someone found you against a tree and called an ambulance. The doctors said all you had was a bad head injury. They said nothing about memory loss, but that's not the point. Now please tell me you have that through your brain!" Ross said aggressively. I nodded and looked down.

"They said once you wake up you can leave, so get ready. We're going to find Legacy and you're gonna help." This Ross chick is really bossy, wow.


I didn't wanna puss her off even more so I jumped up and ran to the bathroom that was in the room.

"Is anyone gonna tell me about this Legacy chick?" I asked as we all got into Ashley's car. "Oh my god I'm too stressed for this. Please tell him to shut up." Ross groaned from the front seat. I'm starting to get the vibe that she doesn't like me....

"Do you remember the crash at all? Or anything that happened before or after it?" Amity asked me. I say there and thought for a second. "No, not real..." I stopped talking as I suddenly remembered something.

The car...

"There was a car. It pulled up beside us and hit us...I don't really remember anything else other than hitting my head on a tree..." Amity smiled slightly. "Okay, keep thinking! Try to remember her! Try to remember what happened to the girl that was with you." I nodded and closed my eyes, trying to reply the whole thing, but I just couldn't.

After a few minutes of pure thinking, I remembered a little more.

"She called for me... The girl...." I said our of nowhere. Everyone looked at me. "Legacy?" Ross questioned. "Yeah, that's her name." I nodded. "She said my name. That's all I remember. She seemed scared..." Ross was looking at me and looked like she was thinking. Something flashed in her eyes. It seemed like fear but it was gone as fast as it came.

"So, you don't remember anything?" Amity asked me. I shook my head. "I told you everything I remember." Amity sighed and leaned back in her seat.

"Hey, maybe we could take a break from all this and get some food, I'm starving." Ross said after a little silence. "Fuck you, Ross. I can't fucking eat knowing my best friend might be fucking dead." Amity spat rudely. "You're just worrying too much, Amity. She's probably fine!" Ross said back, ignoring Amity's tone. "Stop saying stoner shit, okay! Legacy's not okay and you fucking know it!" Ross just sighed and faced forward again.

I was about to say something, but I was cut off by someone's phone ringing. Ross got her phone out of her back pocket and looked at it.

"Unknown number? Should I answer it?" Ross asked no one in particular. "Totally." Ashley nodded. Ross shrugged and answered it.

"Hello?" She said into it. She was quiet for a few seconds before she gasped loudly and dropped the phone. "Who was it?" Ashley asked, not taking his eyes off the road.

"I fucking knew it!" she cried out as she picked it up again. She put it on speaker and held it out. "W-What?" She said into the phone. "I said, I have your bitch," a deep voice came out of the phone. Everyone got quiet and paid attention to the phone. "Don't hurt her.... Please!" Ross begged into the phone. She was crying. Okay, I'm seriously confused now.

"Too late." The voice said. There was a loud noise followed by a girl screaming. "ILL GIVE YOU THR GOD DAMN MONEY, PLEASE LEAVE HER ALONE!" Ross cried out. Amity was sitting in the seat with her knees to her chest and she was shaking. Jake was hugging her, obviously trying to get her to calm down.

"Oh, I don't want money..." The voice trailed off as if we knew what he wanted. "Then what!? What do you want!?" Ross sobbed out.

"I want you, Rosslyn." Ross gasped and nearly dropped the phone again. "How the fuck do you know my name!?" She screamed into the phone. "That's not important. I'll give your friend back if I get you instead." Ross looked around, fear on her face. "No! What the hell!? No!" Amity yelled, sitting up.

"So that means I get to do this, right?" the voice said before a loud scream came out of the phone. "FINE! Fine! Just please don't hurt her anymore!" Ross yelled into the phone. "WHAT!?" Amity screamed. "Good. Anything you wanna say, Legacy?" Ross put her hand over her mouth and held the phone out more.

"Andy, I love-" "Shut up bitch!" then there was a loud bang then silence. Rage took over me and I snatched the phone out of Ross's hand.

"Lay one more fucking finger on her and I will hunt you down and fucking kill you in front of everyone you love and stuff your guts in fucking paint buckets and bury them all over the fucking country so no one will ever fucking find all of you. Don't. Fucking. Touch. Her." I growled into the phone, my voice becoming deeper and deeper with every word.

"Is that a challenge?"

Secrets. (Andy Biersack) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now