Just a dork with black hair

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1 month later

Me and Andy have been talking non stop since that one night. Also, the girls have been teasing me non stop also. It was kina annoying, but I ignored them.

As I was just chilling in the living room, watching Supernatural and eating pizza. Oh! I managed to move out of Amity's place and into a little apartment not very far from her. I could probably walk there if I wanted to. But anyways, I was just watching supernatural on my couch that was literally delivered today and stuffing my face when my phone started ringing. I answered it without looking at caller ID.

"Hello?" I asked, taking another bite out of the pizza.

"Hey." it was Andy. "Hey." I laughed a little.

"Whatcha doin?" he laughed through the phone. I just shrugged.

"Being a fat ass and sitting on my new leather couch." I laughed. He chuckled through the phone and changed the subject.

"Anyways. I need your address. I found something I think you'll like and I want to send it to you."

"What is it?" he chuckled.

"If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?" I groaned.

"Okay, at least give me a hint."

"Um.... It has black hair." he said. What? Is it like... A puppy? What the hell has black hair and can travel?! I need answers!

"How is that supposed to help me!?"

"I never said it was supposed to help you." smart ass.

"Fuck you and your logic."

"Just give me your address." he laughed. I have him my address and asked him what it was again.

"You'll know in like... 2 days. Just be patient." I groaned.

"I don't know how to do that!" he laughed.

"I gotta go set up, just wait, it will be there before you know it." I groaned again as he hung up. This is gonna be the longest 2 days of my life just because I'm waiting for something.

2 days later

I woke up the next morning to pounding at my door. In these 2 days I managed to clean up all the boxes and my apartment actually started looking like an apartment.

"I'm coming!" I yelled, walking out of my room. I put my hair up in a messy bun as I walked to the door and groaned when the knocking didn't stop. I groaned again as I wrapped my hand around the handle. The mailman shouldn't knock this much, right? And this early in the morning. I don't know, but it made me mad so I swung open the door.

"What do you-ANDY!?" I screamed when I seen him standing there, leaning against the doorframe with a huge smirk on his face. I squealed and tackled him in a hug. He just laughed and hugged me back.

"I thought you were on tour," I said as we pulled away. "I was. But it ended and I wanted to say hi before I went back to L.A." he laughed a little. "So you didn't really get me anything?" I laughed and ruffled his hair. "Just a dork with black hair?" he laughed and nodded. "Damn, I was expecting a puppy." We both laughed and I let him in.

"Wow, I feel the love." he laughed, plopping down on the couch. "This really is comfortable." he said, putting his feet on my table. "Feet, off. I will punch you." I glared as I sat down next to him. He just laughed and put his feet back down.

"So, what do you do all day?" he asked. "Well. I was sleeping. But after that's over, I go to work. Then come back, watch Netflix, fall asleep then start the process over again." I shrugged. He laughed. "That's kinda boring." I looked at him and punched his arm. "Not everybody is a rock start like you, buddy boy."  he shrugged.

"Wanna take a look into the life of a rock star?" I raised my eyebrow. "What?" he just stood up. "Get dressed and meet me outside in 15 minutes." he said, grabbing my arms and pulling me up. "But i-" "NO BUTS JUST DO WHAT I SAY." he laughed, pushing me towards my room. I just laughed and walked in, shutting my door behind me.

I quickly changed into a pair of grey jeans and an Of Mice & Men tank top with black Vans and a grey beanie. I did my make up as fast as I could and grabbed my phone and keys before walking out of my apartment and outside. Andy was just standing there, leaning against my car.

"Give me the keys and get in." he laughed. "Well then. All demanding and stuff." I laughed, throwing him the keys. "Just get in." I did as told and got in the passenger side.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he started the car. "You'll see." Dammit Andy.

Sorry it's short, it's just a filler!

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