My thoughts only consist of you.

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It was around 4am and I couldn't sleep. At all. I don't know what it was, but I really wanted to go outside. I wasn't high anymore and that sucked. But it's whatever. I made sure everyone else was asleep before I grabbed my phone and the room key and made my way out of the room. As I walked down the long hallway, I checked my phone for any messages. Nothing. I just sighed and locked my phone as I walked into the elevator.

I leaned against the wall as the elevator slowly went down. I got a notification from Instagram and opened it. Andy posted a picture. Well, he's obviously up too. I tapped it and seen it was a picture of him just lying in bed with a blank expression. I read the caption.

"I can't sleep because my thoughts only consist of you."

I smiled slightly and commented.

"legacys.saviour: awe, Juliet. That's so cute!!"

The elevator door opened and I walked out, locking my phone. I walked outside to the cold night air and sat on the ground against the wall. I looked up at the sky and seen the sun just barely rising. It was actually pretty beautiful. Why I came outside? I have no idea. I looked around the parking lot and seen the huge tour bus parked by the side of the building. I laughed slightly at their hiding skills and looked forwards again. I closed my eyes and took in the beautiful sound of the late night cars driving by and the trees moving slightly in the small breeze. Earth was truly beautiful at night.

I heard the door open but I didn't think nothing of it. Probably someone looking for the same silence as me. It was a good place to think.

"Are you stalking me, or something?" I heard a deep voice chuckle. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Andy lighting a cigarette. I shook my head. "Just want some fresh air and time to think, I guess." I said quietly, closing my eyes once again.  I heard him sit next to me and I smiled slightly. "Can't sleep?" he asked. I shook my head and opened my eyes again. He held out a cigarette for me and I took it gladly. "Thanks," I said once he handed me a lighter also. I lit it and nodded. "Yeah, just thinking too much." I sighed, taking a long drag.

"What about? It you don't mind me asking." he said. I just shrugged. "My brother." my voice was emotionless. "It sucks because I seen drugs change someone. He was this outgoing, care free, generous guy. Then when he started shooting up, he became this paranoied, anxious, obnoxious guy I felt like I barely knew. He was so addicted he couldn't go more than 3 hours without his fix." I took another drag and just shook my head.

"I'm sure he was a good guy. Just hung around the wrong people at the wrong time." I looked at Andy and nodded.

"He really idolized you. He always wished he could be met you." I sighed. He looked like he was thinking. "What was his name?" he asked out of the blue. "Daniel." I sighed. He nodded slowly. "Sounds like a nice guy." I nodded. "He was."

"It you don't mind me asking, when did he die?" he asked. I but my lip and sighed. "4 months ago. I was living with him until that happened. Then I decided I had to get out of that place, so I moved in with Amity. The girl with the green hair and tattoos?" he nodded. "I'm sorry about your brother. If he were still here I'm sure we could have been good friends." we talked for a solid hour just about my brother. After a while, I started to get tired.

"I'm gonna go to sleep. It was nice meeting you." I said, standing up. He stood up also and I noticed how much taller he was then me. I was up to his shoulder, tops. "I was leaning to ask you, maybe we could hang out tomorrow?" He asked with a side smile. I felt a blush rise on my cheeks. "U-uh, yeah, sure." I stuttered. Why, stutter, why!? "Could I get your number? Just in case," he bit his lip. I nodded and he handed me his phone. I punched in my number and saved it under "The Legacy" as a small joke. Surely he would get that, right? I gave him one last smile before I made my way to the elevator. Then reality hit me.

I just had an hour long conversation with Andy Biersack. I just fucking talked to Andy Biersack. Andy fucking Biersack just fucking asked for my number.

I just smiled to myself as I made my way back to the room. When I got inside, I got in bed and fell asleep with the biggest smile on my face. 

The next day

I didn't wake up until almost 2, but that's normal for me. The other girls were up and just talking about random things. I figured I would keep the whole Andy thing to myself, because of I told them, they would freak out and either be pissed, or so over joyed they would break something.

"Good morning sleeping beauty. Someone came to the door for you a half hour ago." Amity said with nothing but an evil smirk. I sat up and glared at her. "Who was it...?" I asked cautiously. "Oh, no one. Just ANDY FUCKING BIERSACK! What happened last night!?" Blake yelled, running to my bed and bouncing on it. I laughed slightly. "Nothing happened. What did he say?" I asked, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "Yeah, "nothing happened" MY ASS! The smile he had when he asked where you were, he obviously likes you!" Beth yelled. I just rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I said, getting out of the bed.

"I'm taking a shower, how long are we staying here?" I asked, grabbing my phone. "Um, we were thinking about leaving around 4. We have no hurry to get back and we wanted to walk around for a little." Amity said. I nodded as I checked my phone. Some number texted me around a half hour ago.

Unknown: hey, it's Andy

I smiled slightly and saved the number. I sent him a quick text saying hey and locked my phone.

"What are you smiling at?" Ross smirked from across the room. I just rolled my eyes and grabbed some clothes out of my bag. "Shut up." I laughed. I took a quick shower and changed into a pair of dark grey skinny jeans that had rips in the knees, and a black Misfits shirt and some black combat boots. I brushed through my hair, put on my makeup and put on a black beanie. My phone buzzed and I seen I had a text from Andy. Just reading the name made me smile.

Andy: meet me outside?

Legacy: sure

I locked my phone and put it in my pocket then walked out if the bathroom. "I'll be back later." I said to the girls as I grabbed a room key. "Have fun with Andy." Ross said as I walked out the door. "Fuck you!" I called out before I shut the door. I finally got out side and seen Andy leaning against the wall smoking a cigarette.

"Hey." I smiled, walking up to him. He gave me a small smile before pushing off the wall. "What's your favorite food?" he asked. I laughed a little at random question. "York Peppermint patties. Or anything with cheese or peanut butter." I shrugged. He laughed a little. "I think I found my twin."

Secrets. (Andy Biersack) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now