Burn baby, burn

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Ross's POV

"YOU'RE AT THE FUCKING HOTEL!" I yelled into the phone as we drove as fast as we could towards the address Andy said he remembered. We really had to think about this one. When he said "The second place she went" he legitimately meant the second place. The airport was the first place and the hotel was the second place. Clever.

"Wow, I'm impressed. I thought you were too much of an idiot to figure this one out." I rolled my eyes. "Just tell us where the fuck you're keeping her!" The voice chuckled. "Never mind, you're still an idiot." I groaned in frustration. "Okay, asshole, tell me where the fuck she is." I snapped.

"Again, you're an idiot. I told you, I'm not just gonna tell you. You have to figure it out." This asshole. "Just tell me." I spat. "Think of her name." was the only thing he said before the line went dead.

"Think of her name? What the fuck does that mean!?" Amity yelled. I sat there and thought for a moment. Think of her name? I don't understand.

Andy's POV

As we walked into the hotel, we were all generally confused as to what room this Legacy chick could be in.

"Can I help you guys?" the chick behind the counter asked as we just stood around, throwing out suggestions of what the guy might mean.

"Um, we're just um, meeting someone here." Ross blurted out. The chick have us a weird look before she went back to typing on her computer.

"Okay, think of her name, what does that mean?" I then asked no one in particular. Then I thought of something. "Wait, guys, what's her full name?" I asked. Ross looked at me. "Legacy Jones," Ross said, raising her eyebrow. I thought for a second again, then something popped in my head.

"55! She's in 55, it's her initials in numbers!" I yelled, making everyone turn to me. "Holy shit, you're smart. Lets go!" Ross yelled, taking off running. We all ran after her and tried to find our way to the room.

When we finally got there, we were all out of breath as we banged on the door.

"We know Legacy's in there!" Ross yelled. The door opened and showed an elderly lady with a walker. She looked at us with a confused expression and we all got quiet.

"S-Sorry, wrong room..." Amity said apologetically. "Have a nice night ma'am." I said as we took off running down the hallway.

"Well that wasn't it..." Ross sighed. I was about to say something but I was cut off by Ross's phone going off. Her face went pale and she shook her head.

"W-We need to hurry up, it's been another hour..."

Ross's POV

"W-We need to hurry up, it's been another hour..." I stuttered out, tapping on the video. Everyone gathered around and we put our full attention on the video. It was zoomed in on Legacy's hip, from what I could tell.

"You know, it doesn't take that much heat to scar skin..." his sinister voice  said. A torch lighter came into view Andy I gasped, already knowing what he was gonna do.

"Let's test out how much that really is." The lighter was turned on and slowly got closer and closer to Legacy's perfectly clear skin as the flame turned from Orange to blue. I shook my head and held a hand over my mouth when the flame touched her skin. She screamed and started moving. She was obviously restrained by something, so the only part of her body that was really moving was her waist. You could see her stomach and chest rise and fall as her jagged breaths came out as screams and cries muffled by tape. You could hear the slight sizzle of the skin as he slowly burned a design in her. I couldn't tell what it was, all I seen was the flame burning her skin, making it bubble up then quickly turn a dark shade of brown once it cools off by air. I let out a sob as I heard her very clearly cry out "help me" from under the tape.

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