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I woke up the next morning with my face squished against someone's chest. I looked up and seen it was Andy. I smiled slightly before I realized I had to pee. Bad. I tried to get up, but his arms around me didn't really help.

I slowly lifted his arms off of me and sat up a little. Shit, this is harder than I thought...

I sat up a little more and reached my leg over him, off the couch. I sat up a little more and put my arm on the other side of him. I looked down and tried not to laugh at our position. I was literally spread out on top of him, only being held up off of him by my finger tips.

I reached over and used the table as something to balance on. I looked at Andy to make sure he was still sleeping. He was.

I tried to move my body more off of him, but my hand slipped off of the table, making me fall on him and off the couch with a thump. That thump woke Andy up because he jumped and since he was on the edge of the couch, he fell on top of me.

He landed with his hands on both sides of my head, holding him up, one of his legs landed between mine and the other on the outside of my legs. Our faces were inches apart.

"Hello there." he started laughing, making me laugh.

After we stopped laughing, I looked at our position and blushed heavily.

"You're blushing." Andy laughed. I looked up at him. "Huh?" I asked. He laughed again. "You're blushing." I blushed even more and pushed him off of me playfully with a laugh. I stood up and started running. He stood up and started running after me. As we ran around my house, laughing and having fun, I forgot that chairs exist.

I ran past the kitchen table and my foot got stuck on a chair, making me fall. Andy was running so fast, he couldn't stop in time and fell on top of me again. We laughed for a little.

"This keeps happening..." I laughed. "Food?" he asked. I nodded. "Food." he laughed and stood up and helped me up also.

After we made food, I realized I had to be at the tattoo shop, so I ran to my room and took a quick shower. After, I put on a pair of black jean shorts, I slipped on a plain black crop top and my black combat boots before doing my makeup and hair.

After I was done, I grabbed my phone and wallet before walking out of my room and seeing Andy sitting on the couch, staring at his phone.

"Hey Andy," I had an idea. He looked at me. "Yes?" I smirked. "Bring the guys to the shop, for me?" he raised his eyebrow. "Why?" my smirk grew bigger. "You'll see. Just bring them to the shop around 2." I said before walking out of the door. When I got to the shop, everyone was there, and Amity looked really exited about something.

"What are you doing?" I asked as she was jumping in place and squeaking every now and then out of excitement. "Hehe, you'll see." I raised my eyebrow. "Anyway," I walked to my small work station and started setting up for my first appointment.

Secrets. (Andy Biersack) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now