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3 months later

Everything has been surprisingly okay in the past 3 months. Me and Ross decided to finally tell everybody the truth about us. Of course the girls were mad but they got over it quickly. Oh! And Jake asked Amity out. I never thought that would happen but shit, it happened. And Ross told me that she seen Beth and Jinxx messing around, so they might be a thing soon. Now the only couple I'm waiting for is Ashley and Ross. They claim to not like each other like that, but I see the way they look at each other.

But anyway, aside from the match making business, I had to quit the tattoo shop because I think Kat was slowly starting to figure out that I was 16. She kept asking me why I looked so young and why I couldn't go buy cigarettes myself. Well of course I couldn't tell her so I never had an answer, I would just change the subject.

Oh, and I've been using the shit outta the motorcycle Andy got me, meaning I've pretty much been riding it everywhere I possibly could. I've always had a special talent with motorcycles. I always knew more about them without meaning to.

Me and Andy were just sitting there chillin out on the couch while we watched V For Vendetta and are ice cream, which had basically become out regular routine every night he wasn't in the studio or on tour. But of course, tonight was Andy's pick of movies.

"Hey, do you wanna like... Do something?" Andy asked randomly. I looked up at him and raised my eyebrow. "What do you mean, Mr. Biersack?" I laughed slightly. He scoffed and wiped a little bit of ice cream on my nose, making me giggle. "Well, future Mrs. Biersack, I mean do you wanna go on a date or something? Something other than sit here and be lazy, even though it's fun." He shrugged. I wiped off the ice cream on my nose and looked at him. I'm sure my cheeks were extremely red right now.

"First of all," I started, trying to sound normal. "You suck at being romantic," I joked, making him laugh and shake his head. "Whatever." he rolled his eyes then poked my cheek, making me smile. "But yes, I would actually love a change. Don't get me wrong, I love being lazy, but oh my God, I need to get out sometimes." I laughed.

"So, dinner a movie and a drive around the city?" He questioned. I shook my head. "Way too cliche, dude." He laughed and shrugged. "How about a movie then pizza then we could go get lost in the woods or something?" I suggested. He smiled. "Sounds like a plan, let's go." He got up, making me fall face first into the couch considering I was laying on him.

"Uh, I don't have pants." I groaned, sitting up. "Then get pants." he laughed. I looked at him and groaned dramatically again. "You should totally go get pants for me." I smiled brightly. He shook his head and pulled me up. "Come on." he mocked me, pulling me to the stairs. We managed to get ready pretty quickly. I wore a simple pair of skinny jeans, a band shirt and vans then brushed my hair and put a beanie on, then doing my makeup quickly.

We made our way outside and got on the motorcycle then going on our way.

After a movie and pizza, we made our way to some woods that we seen and ride the motorcycle down one of the paths. It was dark and it kinda freaked me out because bears and shit live out here, so I clutched onto Andy as we rode down one of the trails, obviously made for walking.

When he stopped and turned it off, I liked up and smiled at the sight. It looked kinda like the place Andy took me to when he visited me in Ohio. The only thing that was different was the size. This place was much smaller, but beautiful none the less.

"This place is awesome..." I said as I got off the motorcycle and looked out at the beautiful scenery. Andy snuck up behind me and gently put his arms around my waist. "Thank you, Andy." I looked up at him and smiled. He liked down at me, returning the smile, but he had a questioning look on his face. "For what?" He then decided to ask. I shrugged and looked back forward.

"Everything, really." I but my lip. I felt his lips on my cheek as he squeezed me closer to him. "I haven't really done anything." he shrugged. I looked at him again as he rested his head on my shoulder and looked forward. "You've literally kept me from dying, 4 fucking times, you let me love with you, and you forgave me for keeping pretty much my whole life a secret from you. Seriously Andy, thank you." I said seriously. He didn't say anything He just kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and thought about how much I really love this man.

After a half hour of random make out sessions and serious talks, we decided to make our way back to the motorcycle.

"Hey Legacy," Andy said randomly as we approached the motorcycle. "Hmm?" I simply answered, grabbing the Helmut off the seat. "Remember that one time you got me high and I explained to you what my perfect girl was?" I nodded slowly and raised my eyebrow, unsure why he was bringing this up now. "Well um, did you notice that I explained you?" He smiled a little. His words made me smile like an idiot as I walked over to him and kissed him.

"I love you." I blurted out, making me gasp at my own words. Whoops!

"I love you too." Andy said with a smile before he kissed me again, making me calm down a little.

"Lets go, it's getting late." He said, putting the helmet in my head, making me laugh. "Yeah, let's try not to get a metal blade stuck in my leg this time." I laughed as we got on the motorcycle. He just laughed before we left the woods.

As we rode home, I had my arms loosely wrapped around Andy's waist and my head was resting on his shoulder as he was focused on the road.

Meanwhile, I focused on the trees passing by on the small road we were on. It was a back road we had to take to get back, nothing special.

I sighed as I realized how long this road really was. I was kinda tired, I really just wanted to sleep. I heard a car behind us and I looked at them. The headlights were so bright I couldn't tell who was in the drivers seat, but whoever it was, they were right on our ass. I tapped Andy's shoulder and moving my hand, telling him to go faster. He nodded and sped up a little. Bit that didn't do anything, the people were still right on our ass.

I kept telling them to pass us, but they did nothing but get closer to us until they bumped the back of us, scaring the shit outta me by the way, then they backed off a little.

"What the fuck!? Go the fuck around, dip shit!" I yelled the best I could with a helmet on. They didn't do anything that time, they stayed at a reasonable pace. But the road was still super long.

After a few more minutes, they started to get closer to us, this time at full speed.

"Andy, go!" I yelled as they got closer and closer. "I'm going as fast as I can!" he yelled back to me. What were these idiots doing?

They finally caught up to us and pulled up beside us. Their Windows were tinted so I couldn't see who it was, but that didn't matter, what mattered was the fact that they were gonna finally pass us. After a few seconds, I realized they slowed down to our speed so that they were just driving next to us.

"Okay dude, what the fuck!?" I yelled, hoping they would hear me over the wind, both of our engines and their closed windows. I just rolled my eyes and looked back forward. I was about to tell Andy to just turn at the road that was coming up to get rid of these guys, but I never got the chance because before I knew it, they had rammed into the back end of us, just barely missing my leg. The motorcycle spin sideways until it but a tree on the other side of the road, then rolled into a ditch and against another tree. It all happened so fast, I couldn't grasp onto what was happening, other than the fact that I had fallen off somewhere in that. I sat up from my spot in the grass and seen the motorcycle on its side and Andy was knocked out against a tree.

"Andy!" I gasped as I stood up. The second I got to my feet, a hand clamped over my mouth and another around my arms, keeping me from moving. I flailed as I tried to get free, but this person was too strong. That's when my worst nightmare became reality.

"Surprise." Was all he said before he held a tag over my mouth. I held my breath as I continued to flail. I tried my best to lick him, but I just couldn't. "Just breathe in, darling, you know you want to." his voice said into my ear. Tears fell down my face as I remembered what he did. My lungs were fighting for breath, but I wasn't gonna give in that easily. I continued to fight, but he had a death grip on me. That's when I gave up and breathed in. Everything around me soon got darker and my body went limb as I blacked out.

Secrets. (Andy Biersack) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now