Small Secrets

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2 months later

"Legacy! Hurry up!" Andy yelled from the couch. I laughed and ran to the couch before plopping onto him. He laughed and I cuddled into his side. We were gonna take a break from all the adult stuff and just lay there and watch some old Batman movies for tonight. I was completely okay with that, actually.

Little recap of these 2 months; I finally got out of the hospital after 3 days, but other than that, nothing eventful happened. Just me and Andy being all coupley. Oh! And the fact that the girls are visiting again! Which is awesome. But that's all that happened.

"And now we can relax." I smiled and kissed Andy's cheek. "For now, yeah." Andy smirked. I looked up at him and tried not to laugh at the sexual innuendo.

"Well, Mr Biersack, what are you implying?" I smirked, sitting up a little. "In implying that if you don't stop wearing my shirts with no pants then you won't be wearing anything here in about 10 minutes."  I smirked and sat on his lap, straddling him. "What are you gonna do, tough guy?" I smirked and grinded against him a little. "Oh, you're so gonna get it." He said before he crashed his lips into mine. I smiled and grinded against him once more.

He rested his hands on my butt and grabbed slightly, making me gasp. He took that opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. I wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my hands through the back of his hair, tugging slightly.

When I heard a knock at the door, I throw my head back and groaned as we separated. "Who the fuck comes over at someone's house at fucking midnight?" I groaned as I slipped the shirt over my head and grabbed a pair of sweat pants before running to the door.

"Hey... Ross?" I raised my eyebrow when I seen her. She had a worried look on her face. "Legacy, we need to talk, now." She said sternly. "Now? Why?" she sighed and got close to my ear. "It's about him." I bit my lip. "Okay, in the kitchen." I said  opening the door more so she could get in. She nodded and walked on, walking straight to the kitchen.

"Hey Andy, I gotta talk to her for a second." I said to Andy. He nodded and I walked to the kitchen where Ross was waiting.

"Okay, what's up?" I asked as I hopped into the counter.

"Dude, he's getting closer." She said quietly, her voice shaky. I sighed. "Ross, he can't find us anymore. I can promise you that." I said reassuringly. "Yeah, he can't find us anymore," She started. "Because he's already fucking found us, Legacy!" I was shocked.

"What? There's no way." she nodded. "Remember the car that crashed into you? Remember how the driver sped off? Yeah, that was him. He thought he killed you! He already thinks I'm dead. And, you're dating Andy. You guys are gonna get public soon, and if he finds out where you are, everybody's going down." I looked down. "So, what are you saying?" I asked quietly. She opened her mouth to say something but I cut her off. "And I'm not breaking up with him." She sighed and shrugged.

"I don't know. But you at least have to tell him." I shook my head. "Ross, if I tell him he'll break up with me, and I can't deal with that right now." She shrugged. "You have to tell him, so he knows and if he finds you dead one day, he'll know why." I shook my head and looked down. "I can't tell him, I don't have the heart." she rolled her eyes. "I gotta go, but promise me you'll tell him." I sighed and hopped off the counter. "Fine! I'll tell him." I said as we walked out of the kitchen. "Tonight?" she asked. I bit my lip and nodded. "As soon as you leave." I said, pushing her out the door. She flipped me off before leaving completely and I sighed. Here goes the worst mistake of my life.

"Hey Andy, could I talk to you?"

Andy's POV

Legacy and Ross walked into the kitchen and I just laid there on the couch watching an old Batman movie. I wasn't really focusing on it, I was kinda just sitting there relaxing. The only thing I could focus on was how dry my mouth is. Damn, I need something to drink! But I don't want to interrupt Legacy and Ross talking. Like, what if it's like, girly stuff? Then it'll be awkward...

Oh well.

I shrugged and stood up, walking towards the kitchen.

"He thought he killed you!" I heard Ross say. I raised my eyebrow. Huh? I stayed out of sight by leaning against the wall by the door way. I know it's wrong to listen, but this caught my interest.

"He already thinks I'm dead. And, you're dating Andy. You guys are gonna get public soon, and if he finds out where you are, everybody's going down." Ross continued. What does that mean? Who is "he"?

"So, what are you saying?" Legacy said quietly. It was quiet for a split second before Legacy spoke again. "And I'm not breaking up with him." Oh thank god.

"I don't know. But you at least have to tell him." Ross sighed. Tell me what?

"Ross, if I tell him he'll break up with me, and I can't deal with that right now." Nothing would make me break up with her.

"You have to tell him, so he knows and if he finds you dead one day, he'll know why." DEAD!? WHAT!?

"I can't tell him, I don't have the heart." Legacy said kinda quietly. Jeez, now I really wanna know.

"I gotta go, but promise me you'll tell him."  my eyes went wide and I ran back to the living room, Superman diving onto the couch.

Legacy said something to Ross but I couldn't make it out. They both walked to the door and said some stuff I didn't really pay attention to. Ross finally left and Legacy stood at the door for a second before walking towards the couch.

"Hey Andy, could I talk to you?" 

Secrets. (Andy Biersack) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now