Perfect Girl

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"I'll make you go to the hospital, bitch." I looked at her. "I'd like to see you try."


"Legacy, no," Andy warned, but it was too late. I lunged at Juliet and started swinging. Somewhere in that whole mess, I managed to punch her in the eye and the jaw. I was about to start kicking before Andy grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into my room.

"Legacy! Calm down!" Andy yelled. I just pushed him away from me and walked to my bed. I shook my head and grabbed a cigarette before lighting it. "What was that all about?" he sat next to me. I shook my head and ran a hand through my hair. "She was at the wrong place at the wrong time." I said simply, standing up. I heard a roar of thunder and jumped slightly. I simply coughed to cover it up.

"What did she say?" I shrugged. "She was being annoying and I was already pissed off, and she knew that. She was trying to piss me off more. Shit, she got what she wanted." I laughed as I opened a drawer in my desk and started going through it. "What exactly did she want?" I looked at him. "Attention." I said simply as I grabbed something out of the drawer. Weed. Something to calm me down.

"I don't need this shit!" Juliet wined from the living room. I laughed sarcastically and grabbed my 5 pocket knives that were sitting on the desk. "What are you doing?" Andy asked as I started walking out. I ignored him and walked into the living room where Juliet was sitting on the couch, trying to cover up the bruises that were already forming.

"Then fucking leave." I laughed, putting the knives on the table. I walked back to my room and grabbed the joint that I already had rolled. I walked out to the living room once again and walked to the wall by the hallway. I put up the dart board I had and walked back to the table. I grabbed a lighter and lit the joint before putting out the cigarette that was between my fingers. I took a huge hit from the illegal substance and let the smoke burn my throat.

"Juliet, Legacy isn't all to blame here, you have been a bitch to her." I smirked and took another few hits before setting it in the ashtray and picking up one of the knives. I flipped it open and aimed at the dart board. "Andy, she was a bitch first!" I scoffed and threw the knife at the dart board, hitting it close to the bullseye. "Okay." I laughed sarcastically.

"Actually you were the one who started it." Andy started. "Because you're an insecure, fame hungry bitch who thinks every girl who talks to Andy is gonna steal him, even you know he's a loyal person. But most of it's an act so you don't seem distant because we all know you're fucking the tour manager," I shrugged and grabbed the joint from the ashtray and took a hit. "But that's none of my business." I said, taking another hit and blowing a huge cloud of smoke out. It was pure silence as I put the joint back in the ashtray. I smirked as I picked up another knife, knowing I won this.

"I don't need this." Juliet said, standing up. "Then leave!" I laughed, flipping open the knife. "No ones stoping you!" I laughed again and threw the knife at the board, making it right in the middle of the bullseye. Throwing knives have always calmed me down.

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