Small Secrets Pt. 2

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"Hey Andy, could I talk to you?" I asked as I sat down next to Andy. He nodded and sat up a little. "Go for it." He smiled. I bit my lip and looked down.

"I've been keeping something from you..." I trailed off. He raised his eyebrow. "Just tell me. It cant be that bad." he smiled slightly. I looked down.

"Andy, I'm not who you think I am..." I looked up and locked eyes with him.

"Huh?" He looked really confused.

"It's a long story, and I would,t blame you if you hated me after this..." I took a deep breath and started talking once again.

"U-uh, I'm not really 20..." he raised his eyebrow, then fear crossed in his eyes. "H-How old are you?" He stuttered. I looked down and bit my lip. "...16." I said quietly. He put his head in his hands and shook his head. "And my brother didn't really die because of just any drug deal," I was quiet for a second. "He died because of my drug deal." Andy looked really confused. "Your drug deal?" I bit my lip and nodded. "Let me explain," I started once again.

"One day when I was 13, I came home from school, and my brother was like, "hey, wanna go to the woods with me and my friends?" and I was young, so of course I said yes. So I befriended some of his friends, one of their names were Ross, and started hanging around the wrong people. At age 14, I tried meth for the first time," my voice started to crack and Andy's expression was unreadable. "I was young, I got peer pressured. But I did it. The first few times were fun, I thought it felt good. Then... I started to feel really aggravated. I would get mad at random things if I didn't have it. That's when I got addicted to it. My body was dependant on it because my life was already so fucked up. Its like it made it go away. I became best friends with Ross, who was 18 at the time, and we did it a few times, but it never hurt anything. Until we started going hard. We always did it together and I even moved in with her just so We could do it together. We were smoking it nearly every hour. And it's expensive, so it drained all of our money. So we started stealing things for it. By the time I was 15, I was having sex for it. It was horrible. One day, everyone we knew who sold it was out, that happens from time to time, but we were so addicted, we went to the biggest dealer around. He had everything. And when I say everything, I mean everything. And he never ran out. He was also known for killing people of they ripped him off or stole from him. But anyway, one day, we went to him and since we were out of money, I decided to be an idiot and tried everything I could for the drug, but he wouldn't give it to me. So, I stole from him. I stole 2 ounces, which, by the way, is $2400 worth. That's a lot of money. And um, he found out. He came to our house, which my brother was also staying with us at the time, and he knocked down the door. I remember it vividly," I was crying by now. Andy was completely indulged into the conversation.

"He held a gun to my brothers head and said "if you don't get me the money, I will blow his fucking brains out." and I didn't have the money, and I made the mistake of telling him that. And that's when he shot my brother. Right in front of me. Then he said "if you don't get me my money in 3 days, I will kill you and everyone you love." then he left. Me and Ross came to the conclusion that there was absolutely no way we were gonna come up with $2400 in 3 days. So we fleead to a different part of the state, met Amity, who ran a tattoo shop with 2 other girls named Beth and Blake, we acted like we didn't even know each other, she was already 18, so she didn't have to lie, but I had to lie about my age, we got a job there, I moved in with Amity after I lied to her and said that I got kicked out by my boyfriend and I had nowhere to stay. Ross said her parents kicked her out and she was staying with Blake. Then Amity introduced me to your music and I fell in love. We got tickets to the concert and that's when I met you," I tried to end it on a good note. I looked at Andy and wiped away the tears that fell. He was staring at me, obviously trying to find something to say. I felt my heart break more for each second He didn't say anything.

"Andy, say something, please," I pleaded as more tears fell down my face. He put his head in his hands and started shaking his head. "Andy, I'm sorr-" "Are you still addicted?" he cut me off. I shook my head. "No! No, after my brother the stuff completely disgusted me." he looked at me for a second. "Is there anything else you were keeping a secret from me?" He spat. My heart dropped. The way He said that just made me wanna break down and cry.

"U-uh," I contemplated in telling him since he was probably already disgusted with me. But I decided he needed to know. "The guy is still trying to find me. H-he must have found out that I moved here because-" I paused for a second and looked at Andy. He was obviously pissed and hurt. And I don't blame him for that.

"Because he's the one who crashed into me at the race," I said quietly. Andy put his head in his hands again. "He thought he killed me, so if we get public and he finds out, that's putting both of our lives in danger..." I bit my lip and sighed. "I'm sorry I kept all of this from you. You desrv-" "You're sorry?" Andy stood up. "Sorry about what? About the fact that you completely fucking lied to me about your whole life, then kept it a secret that You're fucking 16?! Do you know how fucked up that is!?" he yelled. I looked down at my lap, feeling even more tears fall from my face.

"No! Don't even try to play the victim card! This was all you and you know it!" damn, that hurt. "I can't believe you fucking kept that a secret. Then lied to me about the whole thing! It's like I don't even know you!" He snapped at me. I didn't know what else to do but sit there and take it. I couldn't do anything. He was completely right. I wouldn't be surprised if he broke up with me right then and there.

"Andy, I know you're mad, but I'm still me!"  I managed out, hoping it would keep him from lashing out at me any further. "I don't know if I can believe that." he said under his breath. "I am, Andy, I swear! I'm still the same person, just with a different past!" he shook his head and grabbed the keys off the table. "You're just fucking full of secrets, aren't you?" he said before he stormed out the door and slammed it. I broke down into tears as I heard the tires of his car squeal as he swerved out of the driveway.

And I felt like complete shit because that's not the only secret I'm keeping from him...

Secrets. (Andy Biersack) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now