Pinky Promises

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Me and Andy went to the nearest store and bought York Peppermint patties, blue cheese and Skippy super chunk peanut butter, and decided to walk to the nearest park. We literally just sat at a picnic table and ate this stuff for like... A half hour.

"So, how's Juliet?" I asked, taking a spoonful of peanut butter and scooping it into my mouth. "We're pretty good," he smiled slightly and looked down. "I can tell you two really like each other." I smiled. He nodded. "Yeah... So, tell me about yourself." he laughed a little. I shrugged. "What do you want to know?" I asked. He shrugged. "I don't know, stuff like your favorite color. Favorite pasta, I don't know! Anything!" he laughed. "Well, my favorite color is green, my favorite food is pizza, I'm 19, I'm a tattoo artist, I'm a professional stoner and I don't know how to say necklace." I laughed, pronouncing it like neck-a-lace. He started laughing. "You mean necklace?" I nodded. "I can't say it, leave me alone!" I laughed. He laughed also and put his hands up in surrender.

"Now that I know the basic stuff, tell me about you."

After 2 hours of straight talking, he got a call from the guys saying he had to go back to the hotel to get ready to Leah for the next city. We walked back to the hotel and parted ways when we got to the 8th floor. The second I walked into the room, I was tackled by someone, making me hit my head against the door.

"Ow!" I groaned in pain. "NO TIME FOR OW! TELL US WHAT HAPPENED!" It was Amity. I just rolled my eyes and say on the bed. "Nothing. We just talked." I shrugged. "What did you talk about?" Blake asked, sitting next to me in the bed. "We talked about stuff from what our favorite food was, to what the meaning of life was."

"Can I be the maid of honour?" Beth asked. I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Guys! We are just friends! He has Juliet, and I want to focus on getting my own place! So even if he did like me, it wouldn't work out! So shut the fuck up about it!" I snapped. They all just raised their hands in surrender and left the subject alone.

We all decided we wanted to get a head start on traffic so we started getting ready to leave. As I dipped up my bag, I got a text. I took my phone out of my pocket and seen it was from Andy.

Andy: meet me in the lobby

I looked at the girls and seen they were busy packing. I put my phone back in my pocket quickly and walked towards the door. "I think I left my cigarettes outside, I'll be right back." I lied. If I said I was going down to meet Andy, they would obviously say something. "Gotcha." was all that was said before I walked out. I rode the elevator down and made my way to the lobby, where the whole band was standing around, talking and obviously waiting for the bus. Andy spotted me and walked away from the guys and walked to me.

"We're about to head out and I didn't want to just leave without a goodbye," he laughed a little, making me smile. "Hug?" he opened his arms and I laughed before wrapping my arms around his torso. He wrapped his arms around me and I buried my head in the crook of his neck.

"Legacy?" he said quietly in my ear. "Hmm?" I responded. "You'll stay strong for me, okay?" I nodded and he hugged me tighter. "If you ever need someone to talk to, just call me." I nodded again. "I will." I smiled. "Promise me." he said. "I promise." he pulled away and held up a pinky. I laughed a little and wrapped my pinky around his. "Kay, now if you break the promise I'm gonna hack your Twitter and say that you're sexually attracted to dinosaurs." he said, completely serious. I just laughed and he gave me a smile before pulling me into another hug.

"Let's go!" Ashley called out. Me and Andy pulled apart and he gave me a small wave before walking out of the hotel. I smiled and bit my lip as I rode the elevator back up to the room.

When I entered the girls were all just sitting around on their phones.

"Why are you blushing?" Ross said, looking up from her phone. I just hit my lip. "Um, you guys ready to go?" I changed the subject. With nothing else said, we all went to the car and got ready for our 4 hour long drive back.

The whole way back, me and Andy were texting back and forth. When I got home, we were still texting. We texted until I fell asleep. And when I woke up, we texted the whole day. Even when I was at work.

And we never ran out of things to talk about.


Sorry it's short, it's just a filler. 

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