Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is

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"ANDY! Hurry up!" I wined as I stood at the door. We were about to leave for the race and I couldn't wait! "Okay, okay, I'm coming!" He laughed as he walked down the stairs.

"Finally!" I laughed as we walked out of the house and to my car. We got in and hurried on our way to the race. Andy grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers as I drove down the road. I smiled down at our hands then looked at the road once again.

When we finally got to the race, I found a place to park and we got out. I popped the hood and made sure everything was how it was supposed to be.

"I'm gonna go find Ronnie, I'll be back." Andy said in my ear, since music was blasting. I nodded and kissed him before he walked away. I continued to look at everything, when I felt someone grab my ass.

"Damn, that ass is lookin good." I heard behind me. I rolled my eyes and turned around. I seen 2 guys, one was about my height and had dark brown almost black hair, he was obviously on the Hispanic side. The other guy was taller than me, his hair was a very light shade of brown and he seemed to have a lot of tattoos. I decided to put on my charm and lean close to the two.

"What are your names, boys?" I said seductively. "A-Andy," the Hispanic one stuttered. Dear god, why did his name have to be Andy? "Taddie." the other one said. I smirked and pulled them both closer by their shirt collars. "How about you put your God damn money where your fucking mouth is?" I snapped. "Damn, feisty, I love it." the Andy guy smiled. I pushed his shoulder, pushing him away and I rolled my eyes. "How about I race you for that sweet ass?" He winked. "How about you race for a Damn pink slip." he scoffed. "3000?" I nodded and we shook hands quickly. They walked away and I sighed. That's one of the things I hate about being a female racer.

"I didn't think you'd come!" I looked up and seen Ronnie and Andy coming towards me. "Of course! I wouldn't back out of a race!" I laughed. I hugged him whim he got to me then hugged Andy.

"So, bet any one yet?" Ronnie asked. I nodded. "Some guy for 3000." I shrugged. Ronnie nodded and smiled. "Nice!" he high fives me. "Wait, 3000 dollars?" Andy asked. I nodded. "That's a lot of money." he laughed. I nodded again. "People actually bet a lot more." I shrugged. "Just for a race?" I laughed and nodded once again. "People do this for a living, dude-" I was cut off by someone's engine roaring loudly. Everyone got quiet and we all turned to the line spray painted on the street. A black Ferrari was parked right before the line. The car door opened and that Andy guy got out and started walking towards me.

In going against a Ferrari!? Fuck! Why did I not ask to see his car first!? Shit!

"Ronnie, please tell me this car goes faster than a Ferrari..." I said, not keeping my eyes off the car. "Why? He asked. "Because that's who I'm racing!" I groaned. He cursed under his breath. "Um, okay, we got this. The best advice I can give you is to only press the nos when you need to. Don't do it too early or you'll crash and burn." Ronnie said quickly before the Andy guy approached me.

"Lets get this our of the way shall we? I would love to win now, not later." He smirked. I rolled my eyes. "I wouldn't doubt the car so early." I retorted. He simply laughed and went back to his car. I turned to Ronnie and grabbed him by the collar. "Ronnie, if I lose this I'm coming after you." I said. He had a hint of fear in his eyes and nodded. "Legacy, I have a bad feeling about this..." Andy said suddenly. I let go of Ronnie and looked at him.

"Huh?" I raised my eyebrow. "Legacy, something bad is gonna happen, I can feel it in my gut." He said, looking me in the eyes. "Andy, I felt like that the first time I went to one of these, everything will be fine, I promise." I smiled, reaching up and kissing him. "No, Legacy, I don't want you to do that race. Something is gonna happen. I can feel it." I shook my head and kissed him once again. "Everything is fine. We have the roads blocked off, no cops can come. And if we crash, help is a phone call away. Everything will be okay. Now I gotta go." I smiled. He looked me in the eyes for a few more seconds before nodding. I flashed him one last smile and got in the car. I pulled up to the line right next to the Ferrari and a few people booed.

Wow, I really hope this think packs a punch.

Ronnie quickly ran up to the drivers side and tapped on the window.

"Yes?" I asked with a smile after I rolled down my window. "I just remembered, this thing has 3 tanks of nos, the Ferrari has 1, if you press that button at the right time, you'll have this in the bag. Now be safe." he explained. I nodded and he walked away. Andy walked up also and leaned into the window.

"Promise me you'll be safe." He said, looking me in the eyes. I nodded. "I promise." I smiled. He flashed me a smile also and kissed me through the window. "Now go win this thing!" I laughed as he walked away. I looked over to the Ferrari and seen the other Andy looking at me with a smirk.

He roared his engine, in attempts to intimidate me, but I shook my head. I roared my engine also but mine was a lot louder, and a lot better sounding. Lets see how this plays out; a muscle car and a sports car. Wow, this should be interesting.

"Aye, sweetheart!" Andy yelled from the window. I rolled my eyes and looked at him. "I wouldn't want to get any exhaust in that pretty face, why don't you just give up now?" I scoffed. "What's wrong? You scared of losing to a girl?" I smirked before I roared my engine again. He didn't have time to respond before the chick with the flag for between the cars.

I rolled up my window and looked straight ahead. I took a deep breath before roaring my engine again.

"Jesus, if you're above," I said to myself as I rested my hands on the wheel. "Give me the strength to not kill this mother fucker." I looked at the chick as she held up an arm. Everyone counted down from 3. As soon as they hit one, I shifted and took off, as did the Ferrari.

"That's right, bitch." I smirked as I seen that I was ahead. I slammed on the gas harder and shifted, making me go faster. I had a smirk on my face the whole way down the road. I noticed we had a turn coming up and I glanced at the speedometer. 165 mph. Damn, I hope I'll be able to turn this corner.

As we reached the corner, I cut the wheel to the left and shifted as I pressed harder on the gas. My tires squealed as I turned the corner and I looked at the other car. He was ahead of me. Fuck.

"Oh hell no," I shifted again and started going faster. I passed him up with ease and smirked. "You're not winning this."

As we were coming up on the last few miles of the route, I smiled at the fact that I have a very big chance of winning this.

I looked over at the other car and seen he was ahead of me again. By a lot this time.

I was biting my lip, hesitant on pressing the nos.

Fuck it.

I pressed the small button on the shearing wheel and I blasted forward. I passed him again and I smiled widely. I glanced at the speedometer again. 225 mph.

"Whoa," I gasped as I realized how fast the finish line was coming up.

I glanced to my left and seen headlights. Wait, the roads are closed off! This mother fucker is coming straight for me!

"Oh shi-"

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