Another One Down

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Amity's POV

"The second place she went?" Ross asked once the line went dead. I looked away and thought about when she called me that day.

"I AM IN L.A!" Legacy screamed through the phone. "Oh my god please tell me if you meet any celebrities!" I wined. Oh my god, what if she sees Dave Franco!? I would be so jealous

"DAVE FRANCO, IS THAT YOU!?" She screamed. I gasped loudly and started shaking. Then I realized she was fucking with me.

"DON'T FUCKING PLAY WITH ME LIKE THAT!" I screamed. That was seriously a next level of fucked up.

"I gotta go, my cab's here." She laughed. I groaned and hung up.

She didn't say where she was going. Maybe she went to Kat's house or something then Andy's house?

"Wait, guys, wouldn't she be at Andy's house?" I said randomly, cutting off Ross. They all looked at me. "Lets go!" Ross yelled, taking off in a dead Sprint towards the car. We followed her and got in the car.

Ross's POV

"Wait, wouldn't this be the first place she went?" I said after we all checked every room in Andy's house. "Fuck! I don't know! Only Andy would know if he fucking remembered!" Amity said, kicking a table leg, making the whole thing break and fall to the ground. She looked at Andy apologetically. "Sorry, Andy, I'll pay for that." she said more calmly.

"Andy, are you sure you don't remember anything?" I asked him. He was already lost in thought before I asked him. He looked at me and shrugged before thinking again.

"How long has it been?" Ashley randomly asked. I got out my phone and seen I had a message.

"Fuck, guys it's been an hour..." I said nervously when I seen it was another video. They all grasped into the idea and gathered around, except Andy, he stayed put, staring at the ground, obviously thinking.

I focused my attention back on the phone and tapped on the video.

The camera was zoomed in on her stomach. Her shirt was cut, exposing her bruised skin.

"You kinda wish you didn't steal from me  huh?" the sinister voice said. Legacy screamed but it was muffled like she had rape over her mouth. From what little bit of her we could see, she was squirming around.

Nothing else was said. You couldn't hear anything other than the hiss of a torch lighter and Legacy's muffled screams. Her screams got louder and louder until a branding iron came into view and was sat on her skin. Her screams mixed with the sizzle of the hot metal against her skin was enough to make tears fall from my eyes.

The branding iron was lifted from her skin, showing a burn on her skin. It was a circle with a big X in the middle of it. I recognized that as the gang sign for "Another One Down".

"The clock is ticking." the voice said before the video ended. I looked up at everyone and seen Amity with her hand over her mouth and tears falling from her face while the guys just had shocked expressions.

"What does that mean?" Amity finally broke the silence, her voice shaky. "I-It it's a gang sign," I started. Everyone looked at me. "It means Another One Down, g-gangs do it on people they kill. Its like a tradition. Guys, we need to hurry up," I said quickly, my voice extremely shaky.

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