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3 days later

"WAKE UP! IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY! WAKEEE UUUUP!" I felt someone jump on the bed. I groaned and put the pillow over my head. "Dude! Wake up!" it was Andy. He laid in top of me and started bouncing while saying "get up" over and over again.

"Okay! Okay! I'm up!" I groaned as I sat up. He smiled and stood up straight. "Good, now come on." he said as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Andy, I'm too tired for this." I groaned. He didn't say anything. He just continued to walk down stairs. He walked into the kitchen and sat me down on a chair at the kitchen island. And right there, where I was sitting, was my favorite breakfast foods. Pancakes with peanut butter and syrup, accompanied with a hash brown and some bacon and eggs. The sight of it practically made my mouth water.

"Did you make this?" I asked as I started digging in. He smiled. "Maybe." I smiled. "You're seriously the best." he laughed and handed me an envelope that had my name on it. I stopped eating and looked at it. "Well open it!" Andy laughed. I smiled a little and grabbed it. I felt around the envelope first. It was a card, obviously. I shrugged and opened it.

It was a card with a gift card to Hot Topic. It had little note written on it.

"This is 1/5 cards you will get today. Go to each destination, take as much time as you want." I read out loud. I looked at Andy. "Andy, you didn't have to do this. I don't really...want anything." except you. But of course I didn't say that out loud.

"You might not want anything, but you're getting something. A few things. Now, here's the keys to my car," he said, sliding keys across the counter. "Go shopping. Or, whatever girls say." I laughed and shook my head. "Okay, okay. But, you have to promise me one thing;" I said. He smiled. "Anything." he shrugged. "Please, no parties." I begged. He shrugged. "Okay, fine. No parties." I smiled and hugged him. "Thank you, Andy." I smiled before I ran up stairs and changed. Just simple black skinny jeans and a Motley Crue tank top. I slid a beanie on my head and grabbed my phone, along with my phone and the keys and walked down stairs.

"Bye Andy, thanks again." I said before I kissed his cheek and walked out. Ya know, a small part of me was hoping he would turn his head whim I kissed his cheek. But Just a small part. Okay..... A lot of me wished that...

Andy's POV

"No, you don't understand, I need you to pick them up! This has to be perfect!" I yelled into the phone. Legacy already left and I was trying to plan everything. Well, I already planed it, I just had to like... Make everything happen.

"Okay Andy, calm yourself. I'll pick them up, but please tell me you aren't falling for Legacy. You just got out of a fucking 4 year relationship with Juliet, dude, I don't want you, or her to get hurt. I think you 2 should just..." Ashley explained into the phone. "Just?" I heard him sigh. "Dude, I don't think she's right for you." I looked down and shook my head. "You don't know anything about her. You don't know what- Never mind. That's not the point. Just.... Please pick them up?" I begged. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I gotta go." I groaned as he hung up the phone. Stupid Ashley. He doesn't know anything about her. How can he say that? Its not like Legacy is a completely different person. She's Legacy. She's who I...

Secrets. (Andy Biersack) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now