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Andy's POV

"Is that a challenge?" The voice said devilishly. Ross snapped her head towards me, nothing but fire in her eyes.

"I take that as a challenge." then the line went dead. "Ashley, pull over." Ross said, not taking her eyes off me. I blinked a few times. I tried to help but I don't think I did...

"Why?" Ashley questioned, not taking his eyes off the road. "Pull the fuck over!" She snapped, finally looking away from me, only to flare at Ashley. "She's not taking no shit today." Jake joked. "Fuck you Jake." Ross retorted. Ashley soon pulled over and parked in the parking lot of some store that was closed and since it was midnight, there were a few drunk people roaming around. We all got out of the car because shit, we needed some fresh air.

We all just kinda stood there, trying to grasp onto what exactly is happening. If we're being honest here, I'm completely lost. I don't know who this guy is or why he has my supposed girlfriend, nor do I even know my god damn girlfriend.

"I'm gonna fucking murder you!" Ross broke the silence, suddenly launching towards me. I jumped and took a step back as Ashley grabbed her by her waist, keeping her from attacking me.

"What did I do!?" I wined. She pushed Ashley away from her and blew a piece of hair that fell out of her face. "You fucking made it worse! You trying to act all tough put my best fucking friend's life in more fucking danger then it already was!" after she yelled that, she broke down. I bit my lip and kinda stood there awkwardly while Ashley tried to comfort her. After a second, she stopped crying and looked at me.

"This is all your fucking fault! If you never would've fucking talked to her in the first place she would be perfectly safe!" Ross screamed at me, her voice cracking in different places. "Ross! Calm down! We just all need to take a breath and find out where he's keeping her. It can't be too far, it's only been a day since the crash." Amity suddenly said. Ross looked at her and nodded slowly then took a deep breath.

"You're right, let's try and call this mother fucker back-" "HOLY SHIT DOODLE, ARE YOU GUYS FAMOUS!" Someone yelled behind us, their speech slurred. We all looked to where the voice was coming from. It was a guy who literally looked like he was about to fall over he was so drunk.

"Yeah dude, get the fuck outta here. We got serious business to take care of." Amity said impatiently. The dude looked at me and pointed. "You are a beautiful man, you know that?" He started to laugh but I on the other hand was really freaked out.

"Thank you?" I raised my eyebrow at him. "Y'all are a bunch of good lookin humans, you know that?" the drunken mess then said. "Dude! Take your drunken ass home! Jesus!" Ross yelled. The guy started laughing again then suddenly stopped and looked at all of us. "No, but I'm serious, I would totally fuck you guys." I looked at everyone else to try and see their reaction to all this. Amity had a hand covering her mouth, obviously trying not to laugh, Jake was doing the same. Ross was glaring at him, obviously posses that he's interrupting us and Ashley was looking at him like he was a fucking lunatic.

"Kay dude, you can take yourself home now. Bye." Ross eventually said. "Okay, okay, I know when I'm not wanted, goodby-" the dude said backing up then hitting the side of the building and burping. "Bye." he said, walking the other way then falling. He got back up and made his way back to where ever the fuck he came from.

"That was the best thing that's happened all night." Amity said with a small laugh. We all laughed slightly, even Ross before we got serious again.

"Lets try to call this dude bac-" Ross was cut off once again by getting a random text. She checked it and her face went pale.

"I-It's a video..." she said cautiously. Amity raised her eyebrow and took the phone from her. "Lets watch it." Amity waves everybody over. We all huddled and looked at the phone. Amity played the video and we all got quiet.

It started out as a black screen, then the camera pointed towards a girl in a chair. It was the same girl that was with me in the field. She had tape over her mouth and she was tied to the chair. She had a black eye and a stream of blood running down her face. She had a few other cuts and bruises on her face as well, mixed with tears soaking her cheeks. Her eyes were barely open and she was limp.

"You gonna say anything Legacy?" the same voice from before said out of the camera view. "F-Fucking asshole." she managed out, her voice raspy and cracking in certain places.

"Jesus Christ..." Ross said, covering her mouth with her hand, tears falling down her face. Amity was staring at the screen with silent tears falling from her face. Jake and Ashley were staring at the screen in complete shock.

"You're just making this worse for yourself," the voice said, making me focus my attention back on the phone. The camera was zoned in on the girls wrist. She had faint, white horizontal lines filling her wrist. "See, look at those. All because of me." the voice then said. "I wish this bitch would've just killed herself but whatever," he mumbled to himself. After a few seconds, there was a hand holding a blade to their skin.

"Well, Mr. Tough guy, unfortunate for you, I don't give a shit what you say I can't do, you're just making me wanna do those things even more," the voice said right before he dug the blade into the skin, making blood quickly pour out of the cut as he slowly pulled the blade down. "I like the rush of it." He pushed the blade into the skin even more, making a shriek of pain come from the girl.

Ross let out a sob once the video ended and grabbed the phone. She tapped on the screen a few times before she held the phone out.

"I'm assuming you seen the video." the voice said sinisterly. "Okay! I give up! I'll come! Just tell me where you are and I'll be there! Just please don't hurt her anymore!" She sobbed out. "Oh, you think I'll just up and tell you? Oh heavens no!" the voice laughed sarcastically. "I'll give you a little challenge. I'm at the second place she went when she came to L.A. Every hour you take, I'll send you a video of your little slut, here. You have until 5 to find her before I kill her."

Heyo! I know, you hate it when I end in cliffhangers, but I had to. The next chapter might be switching between different people's POV just because. But anywho, I figured I would add a drunken mess in there for some comedy in a serious chapter. Don't worry, the drink person isn't important in any way, it's just for a little bit of fun. But that's it I guess, so goodbye my fellow outcasts.

Secrets. (Andy Biersack) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now