oh, it's real.

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Once I managed to get Ross asleep, I left the hotel and finally got back to the house. A lot of people left because it was starting to get late. Really late. Like, it was already 4 in the morning. But a lot of people have left. Andy obviously was still there, Amity and Blake was still there, along with Cc, Jake, Ronnie, Mike, Ash Costello and Chris were still there.

Andy was sitting in the living room, with everyone else there too when I walked in. Andy was in the middle of a conversation with Ronnie about something, but when he seen me, his eyes lit up. He stopped mid sentence and winked at me. He nodded his head to the seat next to him and smiled. I smiled also and realized he saved a seat for me. Literally half of the people are standing and he saved the last spot for me. That is so cute. I walked to him and sat next to him. He kissed my cheek and pulled me close by my waist.

"Ooh, do we have a little somethin', somethin' here?" Blake smirked, pointing between me and Andy. I blushed and his my head in the crook of Andy's neck. "Well, yeah, actually." I heard Amity squeal and I laughed. "When did this happen!?" Blake yelled. I laughed a little. "Like.... 30 minutes ago." Andy said nonchalantly. "KISS SO WE KNOW ITS REAL!" Amity yelled. I laughed and looked at Andy. She shrugged and kissed me softly. Amity squealed again and we pulled apart.

"Oh, it's real. She's wearing his shirt. They already fucked." Ronnie said. I grabbed the nearest thing, which was an empty heat can, and three it at him. "We haven't had sex yet, Douche Face!" I yelled. Ronnie dodged the can and laughed. "Keyword; yet!" Ronnie yelled again. I laughed and rested my head on Andy's shoulder. We all talked for a while, drinking beers and stuff, just chillin out. Some people left, so it was only me, Andy, Ronnie, Amity and Jake.

"Oh! Legacy! I still want to give you your present!" Ronnie exclaimed randomly. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow. "Ronnie, you didn't have to get me anything." I said, shaking my head. "Okay, I didn't have to, but I wanted to, and I'm not gonna show up to your party empty handed." I laughed slightly. "What is it?" he smirked. "Well, I cant give it to you until tomorrow. But, I can tell you you'll love it." I groaned. "Just tell me!" I wined. "You'll see tomorrow. But I gotta get out of here and leave you couples to do.... Whatever it is couples do...." Ronnie said before him and Andy did that bro hug thing and he left. Amity looked at me and smirked. "Well, I will leave you two alone. So uh, come on Jake." Amity looked at me and winked before she grabbed Jake's arm and pulled him out the house. I looked at Andy and laughed.

"Well, now that we're alone..." Andy started before he stood up. "Wanna finish what we started?" I looked at him and smirked. "Oh, yeah."

The next day

I opened my eyes and the sunlight hit my eyes like a truck. I quickly closed my eyes and sighed. I blinked a few times before I decided to finally open my eyes again. I looked around and smiled at the sight, remembering last night. Andy was laying on his stomach with his head facing me, his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open so he can breathe and he had one arm under the pillow and the other arm across my waist, the blankets covering his lower half perfectly. Meanwhile, I was spiraled out across the bed with the blanket only covering from mid thigh up to my collarbone. I smiled again and reached over and kissed Andy's cheek as I started to get up. I quickly got dressed into one of Andy's shirts and my under wear, then I made my way to the bathroom. I did my business them made my way down stairs to the kitchen to make breakfast.

As I got out a pan to make eggs, I heard someone knock on the door. Who would be here this early? I looked at the clock hanging on the wall and realized it was 2:00 pm. Jesus, we slept late.  I shrugged and speed walked to the door, laughing at myself because I probably have a horrible case of sex hair, and I'm only in a short that just barely covers my butt.

Secrets. (Andy Biersack) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now