Ice Cream And Hot Tubbing

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"Hello ma'am," I looked up from my phone and seen Andy standing there. I smiled and jumped up, into his arms.

"Thanks you so much for coming, Andy." I smiled. We pulled apart and he smiled. "Come on let's go, I bet you're tired." he said. I nodded and I put my suitcase in the trunk before getting in. As we drive down the road, he started blasting some old Kiss songs. We both sang along to the radio until about half way to his house.

"Um, Juliet's there, just so you know." he said randomly. I looked at him. "I think we'll be cool. As long as she doesn't make me mad anymore, it think we'll be fine." Andy nodded slowly.

"Hey, could we talk about something for a second? It's important." he said. I nodded. "Of course." I smiled. "Um, I really wanted to tell you now because I can't hold it in any longer." he glanced at me a few times. "Legacy, i-" he was cut off by my phone ringing. I looked at it and seen it was Kat.

"Sorry Andy, hold that thought?" I said as I answered.

"Hello?" I smiled. "Hey, I was wondering if you could come in tomorrow, maybe meet the crew." I could hear the enthusiasm in her voice.

"Of course!" I laughed a little. "Alright, just be ready to tattoo because my assistant will most likely want you to give her a tattoo. She loves new people." I laughed again. "Alright, I'll call you tomorrow." I said. "Of course." and with that we hung up. I turned to Andy and smiled slightly.

"Sorry about that. What did you want to talk about?" I asked. He shrugged. "Its not that important. Um, we're here." he said, turning into the drive way of a pretty big house.

We got out of the car and he carried my suitcase in. When we walked in the door, a small puppy came running to my feet.

"Awe, who's this little guy?" I asked, picking him up.

"Oh, that's Daredevil. He's blind but trust me, that does not stop him from being the hyper puppy every dog has inside of them." he laughed a little and I pet Daredevil. I felt something rub against my leg and I looked down. I seen a familiar cat and put Daredevil down before picking the cat up.

"Hey Crow!" I said, letting the cat. The last 2 days when Andy and I face timed, he would always sit on Andy's computer and it was so adorable.

"I'll show you where the guest room is." Andy smiled. I nodded and sit Crow down then followed him up some stairs and to a room. It was pretty big. It had a closet and a bathroom, so that's awesome.

"Thanks again, Andy." he shrugged and sat on the side of the bed. He got out his cigarettes and handed me one before sitting the pack down. We lit them and sat there in silence for a second.

"Will Juliet have a problem with this?" I asked, motioning to myself and the suitcase. He nodded. "Yeah, she won't care. And if she does, then she can deal with it."  I laughed a little and took a hit from the cigarette.

"Thanks again, Andy." I said. He shrugged and stood up. "No big deal. Now hug me." I laughed and hugged him before he walked out, leaving me to get ready to sleep because, let's face it, timezones fucking suck.

I changed into a pair of oversized sweatpants and a sports bra before putting my hair up into a messy bun. I took off all my makeup and was about to crawl in bed before I seen Andy forgot his cigarettes. I bit my lip before grabbing them and walking out. I walked down stairs and to the living room, where Andy and Juliet were sitting watching tv. Well, Andy was, Juliet was on her phone. Of course.

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