Surprises (Epilogue pt. 1)

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2 years later

"WAIT, WAIT, WAIT," I yelled, waving my hands around as I cut the doctor off, making him look at me. "First of all, you can't just speed past that like you didn't just say what you just said, okay?" The doctor had a slight smile. "Please, repeat that for me, I think I heard it wrong," I said, shaking my head. Andy was just sitting next to me with his jaw dropped from what the doctor just told us.

"I said, the reason why you've been throwing up so much is because you're pregnant." my jaw dropped and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Wait, like, you're sure I'm pregnant?" I asked, remembering the fact that I couldn't have kids.


"B-But that's impossible..." I started. "I-I thought I-" The doctor cut me off by laughing slightly.

"It happens sometimes. You've either been blessed by a magical fairy god who granted your wish or the father simply has very strong sperm." The doctor explained.

"Totally opting for that last thing." Andy smirked. I laughed and shook my head.

"But in conclusion, you're completely okay. You're nearly 3 months along and the baby is perfectly healthy. My only advice is to lay off the cigarettes and alcohol." and with that, we left the hospital and went back to the house.

"So, like, we're gonna be parents?" Andy asked me as we sat on the couch in the living room.

"Yeah. I guess." I looked at him the same time he looked at me. "We're gonna be horrible parents, aren't we?" I asked. He nodded. "Probably. Either that or we're gonna be the awesome parents who give their kid whatever they want even if they don't deserve it." I laughed a little before I stood up.

"What are you doing?" Andy laughed as I started taking off my shirt in the middle of the living room.

"I'm enjoying my body while I still I have it." I simply said before I slipped my skinny jeans off and took off in a dead sprint towards the back yard.

When I got to the pool jumped in. When I came up from the water, Andy was leaning against the door frame, looking at me with a smile.

"Come on! The water feels great!" I giggled. He laughed and shook his head. "Yes, come on!" I wined. He shook his head again. I groaned and climbed out of the pool before running to him.

"Please?" I said seductively as I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him against me. I looked up and into his eyes, lust flashing in them quickly. I smirked and pulled at the waist band of his jeans.

"Please!?" I wained, grinding against him lightly. He cleared his throat and looked down, obviously trying not to break. I smiled and slowly pushed his shirt up and over his head. "This might just be the last chance you get for a while." I smirked, tugging at the belt loops on his jeans. "Okay, fine!" he said, practically ripping his pants off. He picked me up and wrapped my legs around is waist then ran and jumped into the pool.

Once we resurfaces, I swam to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

We just looked into each other's eyes for a while.

"Fuck, I love you." He laughed, resting his forehead against mine. I smiled. "I love you too," I started sweetly, then my smile turned devilish. "Now let's have some fun."

Andy smirked and kissed me hungrily. My arms were around his neck as his hands were resting on my lower back. We made out for a little bit before Andy tried to unhook my bra but I stopped him. I pulled away and shook my head.

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