Memories (Epilogue pt. 2)

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3 years later

"Legacy!" Andy yelled from down stairs. "Coming!" I called out as I buttoned the last button on our 2 year old son's shirt. "You ready, Dennis?" I smiled as I stood up straight. He nodded and I picked him up and walked downstairs to Andy, who was waiting by the door.

"You guys are so slow," Andy laughed, poking my side. I smacked his arm. "Just go, dork." I pushed him out the door. We walked out to the car and got in.

"You're sure they don't mind?" I asked Andy for what seemed like the thousandth time. "Yes! I'm sure! And even if they aren't, they'll have to deal because we are going on this date if its the last thing I do." Andy laughed and intertwined his fingers with mine over the center console.

"I love you, dork." I smiled to him. He laughed and squeezed my hand. "I love you too, shorty." I looked at him. "I will fuck you up." he just chuckled as he kept his eyes on the road.

When we pulled up, before the car even came to a complete stop, the front door opened and she ran out.

"Oh my god! Where's my little nephew!? I haven't seen him since Christmas!" Amity screamed as she ran to the car. I laughed as I got out and hugged her.

"Thanks again, Amity." I said as I opened the back door of the car.

"No problem! Go have fun! You and Andy need this!" She laughed. I smiled as Dennis ran out of the car and hugged Amity's legs. "Amity!" He giggled out.

"What's up Blondie? Amity laughed and she picked Dennis up and put him on her hip. She calls him that because he had light dirty blonde hair. From me.

"I'll see you later, shorty." I laughed, poking Dennis's cheek. "Love you, mama!" he giggled, making me smile.

"Thanks again, Amity." I said, hugging her. "Stop thanking me and go!" She laughed, pushing me towards the car.

"Okay, okay, I'm going!" I laughed. "Don't forget to say yes!" Amity yelled right before I got in the car. I looked back at her. "What?" I asked. She didn't answer me, she just walked inside.

"That was weird." I sighed and looked at Andy. He had a slight smirk on his face. "What?" I questioned. He just shook his head and started to drive.

Kay, that's pissing me off. I need answers.

"Can you please tell me where we're going? We've been planing on this for like, a week and I have no idea where we're even going." I sighed. "Just wait, you'll see." I groaned loud and dramatically. "I hate it when you say that." he laughed and looked at me. "You're gonna love it, I promise."


"Hey Legacy," Andy said, catching my attention. We were at a park picnic table eating York Peppermint Patties, blue cheese and Skippy super chunk peanut butter.

"Hmm?" I simply answered as I licked peanut butter off of a spoon. "Does this seem familiar to you?" I raised my eyebrow and thought for a second. I looked around to try and see what he meant, but it was blank.

"No...?" he laughed slightly. "Think about the first time we hung out." then I remembered. We literally did this exact thing when we first met. I remember sitting outside of the hotel and smoking a cigarette, then we left and went to a store then did exactly what we're doing now.

The memory of it made me smile. "It's like you meant to do this." I laughed, gesturing to the stuff on the table. He smirked. "That's because I did." I looked at him. "Huh?" he smiled widely and stood up.

"Legacy, you know what day it is, right?" he asked as he stood in front of me. I raised an eyebrow as I checked my phone.

"June 13th?" I asked cautiously. He laughed and shook his head. "But do you know what happened on June 13th?" I shook my head slowly in confusion. "It's the day we met. 5 years ago." I smiled, but honestly I felt bad that I didn't remember.

"5 years ago, today, I met the person that I honestly didn't think I would fall for." I couldn't contain the smile that was growing bigger and bigger on my face.

"But when you explained to me all that stuff that happened, even though it wasn't true but we're past that," he mumbled along with a slight chuckle. "I wanted to know you better. I wanted to know what you looked like when you smiled. When you laughed. So, I tried my best to try and talk to you. And I did. When I did, I got to know the real you. The you that loves Zombie movies and ice cream while she's in the hot tub," I laughed slightly. "I fell in love with you faster than I thought was possible. I thought about you non stop, but I always denied that I loved you. But now I know, after 5 years of denying how much I really love you," he got down on one knee, making me gasp and throw my hands over my mouth. Tears of joy pricked out of my eyes as he grabbed my left and in his and looked up at me with a big smile. "But I've come to realize that I've loved you since the second I seen you in the lobby with those Batman pajama pants," we both laughed slightly. "And I'm going to love you forever. So I need to make sure you're gonna love me forever too, so in that case," he dug around in his back pocket and pulled out a black ring with a slightly big, princess cut diamond on it. Simple, just what I like. He held it between his fingers and held it up. "Marry me?" he asked innocently as he smiled like an idiot. I was smiling quite widely myself, if we're being honest here.

"Is that even a fucking question? Yes! Oh my god!" I managed out before I crashed my lips into Andy's and kissed him passionately. After we pulled away he slipped the ring on my finger and intertwined our fingers. He looked into my eyes and smiled as he rested  his forehead against mine and looked I to my eyes.

"I love you, dork." I said, smiling. His smile grew bigger, if that was possible.

"I love you too, shorty."

And that's it! That's how it ends! The rest is up to you! But anyway, thank you for reading. And over all, I hope you enjoyed this story of course, bye guys, I hope you have a chill day aaannnddd peace peace✌

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