Memories I Can't Remember

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Andy's POV

"He really doesn't..." Legacy managed out, choking on her words. Her breaths got jagged and she shook her head as she slowly walked backwards a little. She looked like she was gonna pass out.

"Legacy? Legacy!?" Ross yelled as Legacy fell to the ground. We all ran to her and I picked her up. "We need to get to a hospital, NOW!" Amity yelled as we all took off in a dead sprint towards the car. We all climbed in and Legacy laid across our laps in the back seat as we sped to the hospital. I really wish I remembered her, I just can't. I have no idea who she is, all I know is her name is Legacy and it makes me feel like complete shit because she looked so relieved to see me.

"We need a doctor, please!" Ross screamed as we ran into the hospital, Legacy still knocked out cold in my arms. A doctor turned her attention towards us, her eyes getting big at the sight of Legacy. She quickly waved over a few other doctor's as she ran to us with a stretcher.

"What happened and what's her name?" She said quickly as she took Legacy from me and out her on the stretcher. "H-Her name is Legacy Jones, Sh-she was....." Ross stuttered out then looked at us for help, not wanting to share the whole thing that just happened. "She was in a crash." Ross decided to say. "Check her vital signs!" one doctor yelled as another one put two fingers to her throat, checking her pulse.

"She's not breathing!" A doctor yelled. Ross snapped her head towards the doctor. "WHAT!?" She screamed. A doctor came to us and started pointing to the waiting area.

"I'm sorry you guys are gonna have to wait over there-" "NO! FUCK THAT!" Ross yelled as she attempted to follow the doctors that were pushing Legacy towards the back. Ashley quickly grabbed her by her waist and picked her up. "Let me go!" She cried out as Ashley carried her to a seat. We all sat down and I honestly didn't know how to feel about it. I was shocked to say the least.

I looked around and seen Ross curled up in a chair, crying into her arms, Amity was sitting there, staring off into space with a single tear falling from her face, Jake had an arm around Amity and Ashley was trying to comfort Ross.

After 3 hours, Ross managed to calm down, but reality hit Amity like a truck. She covered her face with her hands and ran outside as fast as she could. Jake quickly followed her and I looked around. Ross was resting her head on Ashley's shoulder with her eyes closed. Her cheeks were still wet from crying, but she calmed down a lot.

"Andy, Amity wants to talk to you." I didn't even know I started zoning out until Jake smacked my shoulder lightly. I looked up at him and raised my eyebrow. "What? Why?" Why would she want to talk to me? Did I do something?

"I don't know, she just wanted to talk to you." I shrugged and stood up and made my way outside. Amity was leaning against the building with her head back and her eyes closed. The small amount of daylight that existed shimmered off her tear stains cheeks.

"You wanted to talk to me?" I asked kinda quiet. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"What is the last thing you remember?" She questioned. I shrugged. "I don't really remember anything specific-" "No, like, what's the last full day you remember?" She cut me off. I sighed and me and against the wall next to her and slipped into deep thought, 

"Last thing I remember is getting ready for a concert in Cleveland, then it's all just bits and lives of things here and there." I said after a moment. She bit her lip and thought for a second, then she looked like she remembered something.

"Wait," she got out her phone and got closer to me as she tapped away at her phone. "Watch this," she then handed me the phone. It was a video. I shrugged and watched it. It was a video and it was me signing something for a girl. Then I walked over to where the familiar faces of Ross and that Legacy girl, along with 2 other girls were standing. I heard Amity's voice behind the camera and I knew it was being filmed by her.

"How are you ladies doing tonight?" My voice said, smiling at the girls. The camera was pointed sideways at me and it was shaking slightly. "C-could you sign this." The Legacy girl said. "Of course." I chuckled slightly and signed the phone.

I don't remember any of this. I thought to myself.

"I heard you, by the way," I looked at her.

Heard what? I'm so confused.

"When I looked at you, you looked away." I then said.

"Yeah, uh, I was dared to do that... By her..." she laughed slightly, nodding her head towards Ross.

"Its completely okay. People yell worse." I smiled then Ross practically three her phone at me.

So, I'm guessing they were fans at one point?

"S-sorry, I froze." Ross then stuttered.

I laughed slightly at her reaction.

"I saw." I laughed a little. Then an unfamiliar girl walked up.

"I just want a hug." the girl said with a hopeful smile.  "No hugs, sorry." the security guard said. Wow, that was rude.

"Are you gonna tell him?" I heard Amity whisper as the camera pointed to the ground. I heard a slight sigh before the camera was pointed at me. Legacy walked up to me with a nervous smile on her face.

"Hey, could I talk to you for just a second?" She asked quietly. "Make it quick." the security guard then said. Wow, that guy was an asshole.

Then she just started telling me all these things about her past and it honestly hurt to know I don't remember a single thing she said. I don't even remember her.

"Andy, we gotta go." the security guard cut her off when she was in the middle of a sentence.

"Shut the fuck up, Kevin!" I ended up snapping. I've never snapped at a security guard. I was honestly a little surprised at myself.

"He always wanted to tell you that you were his Saviour. But basically, what I'm telling you is that your music helped me through all of it, it gave me hope." She then said, more and more years falling from her face. I was completely engulfed in the conversation, yet I remember nothing about it.

"I'm so sorry about his death. I'm glad my music could help someone." I gave her a smile.

"Saviour was his favorite song." She belted out before she broke down completely. I watched as I ran around the barriar and hugged her close to my chest.

Why can I just remember!?

She looked up at me and cried even harder. The video was already quiet and I couldn't hear what I whispered in her ear, but it's obvious I was. Then the video ended.

"That didn't jog any of your memory?" She asked hopefully. I but my lip and handed her phone back. "No, I'm sorry." She just nodded and looked down.

"In time you will," she sighed. "I just don't know when that time is." She looked up at me. She was about to say something again but we were cut off by Cc, Jinxx and 2 other girls running to us.

"Oh my god, when did you get here!?" Amity said as she hugged one of the girls. "Just now, you guys need to come on though," One of the girls gasped, obviously out of breath.

"What? Why!?" Amity's tone turned serious and worried.

"It's Legacy..."


Hayo! Hai, I bet you're mad. Wow, will I ever stop with the cliffhangers? Probably not. Sorry this chapter was kind of a crappy, boring filler chapter, but at least I ended it on a dramatic note! Haha, the next chapter will be better, I promise. I think the next chapter is gonna be a good one. But I'm planing on just one more real chapter then a 2 part  epilogue. I don't know for sure but that's how I'm planing. I won't bore you with anymore, so I'm gonna go and eat ice cream, BYEEE.

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