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The door opened and there stood Sanyukta with
a bright smile on her face and chocolate on her
lips , as she had hurriedly stuffed the pastry
into her mouth. Randhir could see the empty
box on the floor. He eyed Sanyukta angrily. '
What ? Not my fault. You should have bought
two ' she said defending herself. Randhir didn't
reply, he was just looking at her with angry
eyes. ' Okay! If you are so angry on me for not
sharing with you a piece of chocolate cake
which was on doubt delicious, then here's the
deal, I'll give you the money and you will in to
the shop and get three more pastries. Two for
me and one for you and them we would be even
' she smiled and was going towards the
cupboard to get her purse when Randhir held
her wrist and pulled her towards him making
her crash onto his chest. ' Ab kya hua ? ' she
said moving back. Randhir didn't reply, he just
advanced towards her as an animal advances
towards its prey. Reality struck Sanyukta, from
that look on his face and rage in his eyes she
knew Randhir was upto something but at the
sametime she was confused that, all of it just
for a mere piece of cake ? Although it was
tasty. But as precaution she stepped back. She
stopped when there was no place to move
back. She looked back at the wall and the next
moment when she looked at Randhir, she felt
his lips on hers. He was sucking at her lower
lip. Then he moved to her upper lip wiping off
the chocolate on them clean. He left her and
was headed back , out of the room when he
stopped. He came back again to her and kissed
her again. This time he sucked her lip so hard
as if he intended to draw the blood. His hands
crept around her waist, gripping it so tightly
that it left red prints on her white
skin. Sanyukta's hands were clutching his shirt
on his shoulders so as to withstand the force at
which he was kissing her. He pinched her waist
earning a gaps and entered her mouth with his
tongue. He pulled her closer and kept exploring
her mouth which had the taste of the
chocolate. He stopped when he had had
enough, he pulled back and touched her swollen
lips with his thumb, rubbing them softly. ' I had
my share. Now I think we will share the other
pastry which I had kept in the refrigerator when
you were cooking ' he smirked and went not of
the room. Sanyukta didn't know what to feel,
she wanted to be angry on him for kissing her
but all she could do was blush. She sat on the
bed with a thud and dug her face into her
palms. She got flashbacks of what had
happened a few moments earlier, a smile crept
on her lips. Although she cursed herself for
smiling, still them she couldn't help but
smile .........

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