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Randhir leaned in decreasing those inches, Sanyukta knew that he was going to kiss her the next moment and she too was prepared for it, but Randhir didn't kiss her, he abruptly changed his way from her lips and moved towards her ears brushing his lips on her cheeks in the process.' I got every right on your body. Don't get any revolting ideas just because I don't exercise those rights ' he said biting her earlobe softly.Sanyukta led out a moan.' I know you yearn for another kiss but one thing. Its not that easy to get kissed by Randhir Singh Shekhawat ' he smirked and left the kitchen leaving a flabbergasted Sanyukta behind.' What ? ' Sanyukta exclaimed.' Now he thinks that I don't deserve his kiss. Such a MCP . Well I don't even want his kiss. Huh ! He thinks that just because he got nice lips , everyone would be desperate to kiss him ' she said pissed off.' Shit Sanyu concentrate, he is trying to distract you ' she said slapping her forehead and started making chapatti dough. The dinner was a silent one till Randhir asked Sanyukta to wash his plates for him . ' I am not your servant . Help yourself ' Sanyukta said with an attitude . ' Actually you are . Remember ? You have to do whatever I ask, for 7 days ' he smirked . Sanyukta twisted her lips and walked away with his plate . After , all the work was done Sanyukta crept inside the blanket and dozed off and after sometime a sleeping Randhir's hand automatically came on her waist like a simple reflex . At morning Randhir was the first to wake up , he looked at Sanyukta who was still sleeping. ' Silly girl. Alarm ki awaaz se bhi nai uthi. Pata nai shaadi ke baad kya karegi, bechara iska going to be husband ' he smirked.' wait a sec. Iski shaadi toh mujhse hui hai ' he exclaimed remembering that they were married.' Randhir , you are not a bechara, utha isko aur kitna soyegi ' he was about to shake her shoulder but stopped when his eyes fell on her face which was looking quite peaceful . He dropped the idea of waking her up and departed into the washroom . When he came back he did'nt find Sanyukta in the room , he became worried . He searched her in the kitchen and the drawing room , she was'nt there . He went out of the flat to search for her in vain , he came back inside to find her humming in the kitchen . He walked inside the kitchen and yelled at her ' Where the hell were you ? ' . Sanyukta was looking at him with widened eyes . ' Where the hell were you damn it ? ' he said grabbing her shoulders. Sanyukta wanted to speak but her lips were trembling and her tongue dried out so she just pointed towards the common washroom . Randhir understood and left her , he let out a long breath and said ' ok . Next time don't in without asking of ' . Sanyukta have him a ' what ?' look and Sandiir managed saying ' I mean never in outside without telling me. ' Sanyukta nodded and hande him his breakfast . The whole day was normal . Sanyukta went to college with Randhir , she attended classes and talked to kaustuki about her marriage and that she would be living with her husband . She reveal her husband's identity although Kaustuki was curious to know. At evening after classes Randhir and Sanyukta came back to their flat where Sanyukta made dinner and them both of them studied for their classes . At night Sanyukta came to the bedroom after Randhir slept ............
-To Be Continued

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