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Sanyukta was
running , panting , blushing and smiling all at
the same time. She entered their hostel room to
see kaustuki munching a sandwich. Kaustuki
saw her and stopped ' I was hungry, sorry
Sanyu ' she said pouting.' Kaustu ! I want to
tell you something ' Sanyukta said sitting on
her bed. ' Something about ? ' Kaustuki
asked. ' About my marriage and my husband '
Sanyukta said crossing her legs. ' Okay ! I want
every detail not just something. And why are
you all red ? ' she said keeping the sandwich
back on the slave and alerting her mind to say
attention to Sanyukta's words. 'As you know,
Papa had fixed my engagement with Sameer
but at the end moment Sameer backed out. I
never knew the reason and didn't even want to
know, so I never asked. But later Papa fixed my
marriage with someone. He didn't even inform it
to me, I got to know about my marriage two
days before it. I agree because Papa was happy
and I had hope that the person would let of
complete engineering . And now I live with him
in a flat in the outskirts of Roorkie . And that
guy is Randhir ' Sanyukta said the last line and
took a deep breath. She was looking at the floor
all the time avoiding any eye contact with
Kaustuki. After five minutes of her confession
when she didn't get any response from
Kaustuki , she lift up her eye lashes to see
kaustuki lying unconscious on her bed.
Sanyukta jumped up and grabbed a bottle of
water. ' Kaustuki ! Kaustu utho ' she said
sprinkling water on her face and patting her
cheeks. Kaustuki slowly opened her eyes. ' You
okay ? ' Sanyukta asked heating relief. ' Yup ! I
just had a bad dream that you are married to
Randhir ' Kaustuki said drinking water. ' I am
married to Randhir ' Sanyukta smiled in
confusion. Kaustuki spilled all the water from
her mouth on the floor. ' What ? ' she said
wiping her mouth. ' Hmmm' Sanyukta smiled. '
You mean you are seriously married to Randhir
Singh Shekhawat . The guy who is always like
Don't Mess With me and has Salman Khan type
body and studies in our college ? ' Kaustuki
asked with wide eyes.......

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