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In the morning, Randhir woke up, he saw the face
of his sleeping angel and kissed her forehead. " I
married you for the sake of making your life hell
but look, you were the one who showed me the
path of heaven. My darkened desires ended up
finding ecstacy for me. I never thought I would
admit it but Sanyukta I love you. I love you till the
sun and the stars can last. I won't say about the
moon as you are my moon. I love you today and
will love you forfever after " he brushed his lips
with hers. " I love you too Randhir " Sanyukta said
opening her eyes. " You awake !" Randhir
exclaimed. " Awake and listening " she said
kissing his chest. " So you are not angry on me
for not loving you at first ?" he started panicking
at the thought that she might be angry on her and
leave him as everyone else he loved did. " No.
Love doesn't happen at first. It takes its time.
You took your time and I took mine. But I am glad
that you really said it " she caressed his cheek
with her hand and pecked his lips. " Come out of
the bed " Randhir said getting up, there was
excitement in his voice, he quickly slipped into his
pants and stood up. " Where ? Let me get ready
first " she smiled. " No ! Come now " Randhir
pulled her out. " Geez I am naked, Shameless man
" she giggled gripping the bed sheet. She wrapped
the bed sheet around her fragile figure and was
dragged by Randhir to the drawing room. He
made her stand on the middle of the room and set
up a camera in front of them. " Planning to make
a porn video out of my naked state. Mr.
Shekhawat ? " she chuckled. " Would you please
stop using that brain of yours ? " he snapped in
seriousness. Sanyukta laughed holding the
bedsheet. " So " he breathed in air and stood
before her, he knelt on his knees and took her
hand in his " I never did this before , although we
are married I would like to say it to you " he
exhaled air and inhaled some more. " Mrs.
Sanyukta Singh Shekhawat , will you marry me ?
Again ? " he asked with pleading eyes. Tears
rolled down Sanyukta's cheeks. As finally she had
found someone who would value her and love her
more than his life " Yes. I WILL. I love you
Randhir " she said smiling. Randhir stood up and
hugged her " I promise you, your life will be Eden
and you will remain my queen forever. No one will
ever come between us and I'll make sure that I
shower upon you all the happiness of the world .
" " I don't need anything else till you are with me.
Stay with me forever and I shall find my Eden in
your arms " she said hugging him tighter. " I love
you Sanyukta " " I love you Randhir " And they
marked the union of their hearts with a kiss, a kiss
filled with passion, hope, craving , desire, lust and
- The End

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