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Vardhan wallked in , making Randhir go back to
his table, near his engine. Vardhan walked past
every table slowly and skillfully scanning all
engines with his eyes. Sanyukta quickened her
working pace. ' Students, you got 30 mins in hand
and most of you haven't even repaired their
engines. ' Vardhan paused ' I would be more than
glad to see the face of the students who are
confident that you won't be able to do this. So
please those students leave your places and step
out. 'One by one all students except Randhir,
Sanyukta and Parth stepped out. The look on
Vardhan's face changed into an irritated I-knew-
this-would-happen look. ' Well them you all may
leave and meet PKC to take your viva . Hope you
do better in that as you all have failed in
practicals ' Vardhan have out a sarcastic
smile. Suddenly all students became alarmed and
rushed back to their tables, trying to do whatever
possible within the last minutes. The lab's
atmosphere got silent. Everyone seemed to be
busy in their work. ' Sir. I am done with my engine
' Randhir spoke breaking the silence and getting
some eyes on him. Vaseico went to the engine
and checked out each and every part's position.
Finally satisfied he started to engine check the
output. ' 82% , interesting very interesting .
Randhir Singh Shekhawat you may leave ' he
declared and got out of the lab. Randhir collected
his bag and left the lab, but not before flashing a
devilish smirk on Sanyukta. She ignored it and
kept working. After 30 mins , Vardhan walked in
again and this time some students had repaired
the engine, some had got it working and only
Sanyukta had got the 82% efficiency . Not so
impressed with everyone's performance, he
dismissed everyone. Sanyukta walked out of the
lab, when she was dragged away by Kaustuki. '
What happened ?' I exclaimed. ' Sister is pick and
good alone. Parents won't be back before a week.
I need to leave now ' Kaustuki said as her face
fell. ' Take care ' Sanyukta said hugging her. After
Kaustuki's departure, realisation hit her, she was
now all alone to face Sandiir. Although kaustuki's
presence would not have made any difference but
its better to have some moral support. She knew
Sandiir and was also familiar with the fact that he
could do anything to her in the name of that
challenge. She was not afraid of doing any task he
given but what he Randhir's tasks were far more
than difficult. Her random thoughts got randomer
as she walked down the corridor , lost in her own
world. A strong arm reached out for her and pulled
her inside an empty classroom, latching the door
behind her. She didn't require any thinking to
guess the person. After all she had been so
familiar to his touch. Randhir turned towards her
and inched closer . She moved back to distance
herself, she kept doing it till her back hit the
blackboard, leaving on place to escape.
- To Be Continued

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