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Randhir said the shopkeeper and ran into the car
with the packet in his hands.
' Here , eat your pakode ' he flung the packet on
Sanyukta's lap and started the engine.
Sanyukta flashed a victory smile and started
devouring the contents of the packet.
' Mam ! Would you like to spare some for me or
are you planning to eat them all alone ? ' Randhir
' Look we are home ' Sanyukta chipped instead of
answering his question.
As soon as the car stopped, Sanyukta got out of
the car along with the packet and hurried up to
their apartment. She changed into a saree as
quickly as possible and arranged the food in
Randhir arrived at the door step and was about
to knock on the door, when the door opened and
he was pulled in . Sanyukta took his bag from his
shoulder and pushed him into their bedroom.
' Freshen up asap or you won't get to see the
face of the food ' she smirked and closed the
Randhir took a shower and changed his clothes,
he came to the dining table to see Sanyukta
impatiently tapping the glass of the table.
' Are you so hungry ? ' he questioned out of
' Have a bite of those pakode and then ask of this
question again. ' she said shifting her gaze
towards him.
Randhir sat down and they started eating.
The pakode turned out to be rather tasty than
normal ones and both of them giggled from time
to time as the effect of the bhaang slowly
overpowered their senses.
' Randhir ek baat bolun ? Kal na, tum phir se
dinner ke liye pakode le ana. Ache hain ' Sanyukta
' Tum na kaamchor ho, phir bhi mein le aunga '
he said eating the last pakoda.
Sanyukta got up and took their plates, she was
swaying , as he she would fall.
Randhir saw this and accompanied her to the
kitchen despite of the fact that even he was
feeling dizzy.
Sanyukta cleaned the plates while Randhir stood
beside her staring at her.
' What are you staring at Shekhawat ? ' she
cocked her eyebrows.
' Your pink lips ' he answered dreamily.........
- To Be Continued
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