Clubbing With Jason

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June 20th, 2017

You and Jason have been the top mafia couple. Jason is known as 'King' and you're his Queen. Of course, Jason calls all the shots and what he says goes. Or he'll punish you, pleasurably. You would think that's heaven, like you're on cloud 9, but no. Its all for tease. Gets you all worked up, then he stops. You absolutely hate teasing.

"Baby, you ready?" He calls down the hall. You were about ready. You applied a pink matte color to your lips, "yeah, almost." You say pressing your lips together to coat them.

"Woah," He appears behind you, licking his lips. "What's wrong?" You asked. Is it your hair? Gah, I knee I should have curled it, you think. "Baby, nothing's wrong. I think I'll have a hard time keeping my hands to myself." He flatters pressing a kiss to the back of your head.

"You look good, sweetheart

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"You look good, sweetheart. Actually, too good, almost... Delicious," his hands creep around your waist as he kisses your neck.

"Wait, you never told me why we're going out," you chirp. There is always a catch when the two of you go out. "Just to go out, angel." He tells you with an innocent look. He's guilty of something but you don't want to try and pry it out of him. You then grab your coat, "ready." You smile.

Once the pair of you get to the club, the security guy let's you two in no questions asked. That's right you bloody peasents. The music boomed throughout the club. Sweaty, drunk bodies clang together. You and Jason move up to the VIP lounge seeing your shared squad. "Jason, what's up, man?" Chris takes a stand and hugs Jason. "Nothing much man," Jason replies. Chris looks me up and down, "looking good, Y/n," he complimented you. Bitch, I know. Jason glares, "watch it." "Just stating facts bro," Chris defends.

The rest of the squad exchange hellos and catches up. You sit next to Jason with his arm draped around your shoulder. Their conversation send you into a bore, so you think of other things. Random things like how would Jason feel if you got a puppy in the house for when he leaves for work or if you should go shopping soon.

"D'Angelo is here, dude." You heard. Your head shot up. Of course. You look at Jason with an angry raised brow, "you said-" "I didn't know, babe I swear." He says just as angrily. You sit back and huff. Son of a bitch, you thought. "If he tries anything I swear I'm going to blow his brains out." Jason seeths.

The deep red curtains open up and the one and only, Tony D'Angelo stood before us with a smug grin on his scarred face. The second he showed his smug face, your blood ran cold. He used you and Jason to get the minimal power he has. "Ahh, old friends," he smiles. You glared, "Unlikely, what are you doing here?" You spit. His presence makes you want to barf. "Oh don't be that way, baby," "don't fucking talk to her, what do you want?" Jason speaks up.

"Ah, Jason. Just the man I need to speak to." He says. He takes a few steps forward, "don't, close enough." You bark. "Baby let me handle this," Jason tells you. You roll your eyes. Jason always gets to have all the fun.

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